*Nikki* profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Name: Nikki
Birthdate: January 17th, 1988
Birthplace: Chicago, IL...GO CUBS!
Current location: O'fallon
Eyes: brown eyed girl
Hair: brown
Height: 5 feet
Righty or Lefty: righty
Zodiac Sign: carpicorn
Your heritage: GREEK :)
Your weakness: People i care about
Your shoes you wore today: brown flats
Your fears: Losing someone i really care about...and water
Your perfect pizza: cheese and pepperoni
Goal you'd like to achieve: getting through senior year without failing..lol
Your thoughts first waking up: its not 6 am already
Your best physical feature: hmm my eyes?
Your bedtime: whenever
Your most missed memory: not sure i enjoy the present
Pepsi or Coke: pepsi
McDonald's or Burger King: uhh burger king
Single or group dates: both..but single ones are nice
Adidas or Nike: eek nike cause its my name
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: eww
Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate bars..but vanilla icecream
Cappuccino or coffee: cappuccino
Smoke: gross
Cuss: yes
Sing: lol by myself where no one can hear me
Take showers daily: yes
Have a crush: eh hes more like a bf :)
Think you've been in love: once or twice but it wasnt
Want to go college: heck yes..SLU!! 2010 kids!
Want to get married: of course
Believe in yourself: mostly
Get motion sickness: sometimes like roller coasters
Think you're attractive: nope
Think you're a health freak: not really lol im a piggy
Get along with your parents: most of the time
Like thunderstorms: yes they are a massive turn on..lol
Play an instrument: yup
Layer.six - in the past months
Gone to the mall: of course weekly
Eaten an entire box of Oreos: nah
Eaten sushi: GROSS
Been on stage: yes
Gone skating: no :( i really want to though!
Made homemade cookies: yes
Gone skinny dipping: lol..no thats just a little awkward for my taste
Dyed your hair: nope
Stolen anything: kisses maybe
Label.seven - ever..
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: once
Been called a tease: yes
Got beaten up: nope
Age you hoped to be married: 24-26
Number and name of children: 5 lol and idk
Dream wedding: on a beach would be nice at night with no shoes on and with close friends and family
How do you want to die: in my sleep
Where do you want to attend college: SLU
Dream job: umm idk somthing that involves helping people
Country you want to visit: Italy or Greece..again
Layer.nine - In a guy/girl...
Best eye color: well im a sucker for blue..but brown has my attention at the moment
Best hair color: brown
Short or long hair: short or long
Height: taller than 5' 10"
Best weight: not sickly thin
Best clothing: umm well..i love hoodies, athletic pants, and baseball tees (are you taking notes Nick?)
Best first date location: dinner so you can talk and then a movie cause those are fun
Best first kiss location: outside
Number of drugs taken illegally: zip
Number of people I could trust with my life: three
Number of CDs that I own: f that..give me that limewire
Number of piercings: 2..my ears..im suck a rebel i know
Number of tattoos: zero..not a fan
Number of times my name's been in the news: once?
Number of scars on my body: a few
Number of things in my past that I regret.: none. everything happens for a reason
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My Interests

*Shopping* *My Friends* *Nick* *Talking* *My Cell Phone* *Playing Soccer* *Laughing* *Starbucks* *Sports* *Walks in the park* *Spending Money* *The Zoo*

I'd like to meet:

David Beckham..so scrumptiousSeth Cohen...hottest nerd ever


*Third Eye Blind**Jimmy Eat World**Death Cab for Cutie**Dave Mathews**Oasis**The Postal Service**Cold Play**The Fray**OAR**Jack Johnson**Plain White T's**Panic! At the Disco**Fallout Boy** Motioncity Soundtrack**Kelly Clarkson**The Beatles**The Gin Blossums**Hootie and the Blowfish**The Afters**


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