FUN FACTS ABOUT THE JIM-The Jim looks at a glass as half empty, unless it has rootbeer in it. Then it's half full.-The Jim doesn't believe in love at first sight, but believes in lust at first sight.-The Jim hates traffic.-The Jim likes finding hidden bonus tracks on new cds. Good day!-The Jim doesn't drink Jaegerbombs, he drinks Jaeger-warheads.-The Jim loves sexy eyes.-The Jim tends to get out of control when there's Grey Goose involved.-The Jim has a low tolerance for stupid people.-The Jim has a close inner circle of amigos, aka The Kliq.-The Jim doesn't have a preference when it comes to Blondes or Brunettes.-The Jim use to have an 8 gauge barbell in his tongue. He also had a lipring.-The Jim has way too many guilty pleasure cds in his collection.-The Jim has a facination, borderline obsession, with vampires.-The Jim likes using words that aren't commonly used anymore. Good morrow sire!-The Jim can only get color on his pale ass if it's injected.-The Jim tends to stay up too late, even if he has to be up early.-The Jim hates small talk. Especially when it's with folks you don't want to speak to.-The Jim clapped real loud in the theater when he saw the House of Wax remake, and Paris Hilton got a pipe shoved through her face.-The Jim likes rye bread.-The Jim likes to press buttons.-The Jim likes to say "Oh" then put on chapstick.-The Jim likes authentic Mexican food, FUCK TACO BELL!!!!!-The Jim has a God-daughter..... I know, I know......-The Jim swears more than anyone you probably know. It just fucking happens.-The Jim likes Elisha Cuthbert with longer hair. Her short style doesn't cut it.- The Jim loves pulling pranks on folks, ask his co-workers.- The Jim and NBI go way back, Still celebrating over a DECADE OF IDIOCY!!!!-The Jim has rocked sideburns since 1995, because Dillon from Beverly Hills 90210 rocked them. Dillon is the man bitches!-The Jim gets up every day to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And The Jim is all out of bubble gum!-The Jim loves the movie Silence of the Lambs!-The Jim is a gag gift in a beautifully-wrapped box.
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