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"The Fit" with Me, Nicky Hilton....Get Exclusive Behind The Scenes footage that you can only see here on MySpace!!!! MySpace Presents: The Fit with Nicky Hilton
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NICKY HILTON — President, Creative Director, Designer/Director
CHICK by Nicky Hilton was founded in 2004 to compliment her already successful handbag line, Samantha Thavasa by Nicky Hilton . In 2007, created a capsule preview collection for her luxury ready-to-wear line, Nicholai debuting at New York Fashion Week for Spring 2008. Along with NICHOLAI , Nicky also gave her youngest fans access to her most expensive passion, jewelry, in June 2006, but at a price they could afford, with a line for mall heavyweight Claire’s Accessories. For those who want to live like a Hilton, she’s also opening her first "Nicky O" boutique hotel/condo.
With a shopper’s passion and a discerning eye, Nicky always dreamed of having her own fashion line. Brought up in some of the most exclusive, international, glamorous places in the world, Nicky is bringing a lifetime of exposure to the finer things and modernizing them for her consumers of every age, price point and taste level.
Nicky, no stranger to the hotel industry, will take her career as a designer to the next level with Nicky O Hotels. Along with the hotels, Nicky is also planning to open her signature Nicky Hilton Boutiques.