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tubular 80s

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this site for a GOOD 80's music quiz

Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:33:00 GMT

a few more memories

1. You've ever ended a sentence with the word "PSYCHE". 2. You watched the Pound Puppies. 3. You can sing the rap to the "Fresh Prince of Belair " ...and can do the "Carlton". 4. Girls wore biker shor...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:06:00 GMT

you know you're 80's when....

You remember Don Johnson when he was "cool" You know who shot J.R You remember when Michael Jackson was actually considered something of a sex symbol You practice getting in and out of your car throug...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 14:04:00 GMT