Yo. I'm James Fogel. I'm a Unitarian Universalist, liberal liberatarian, Old-Reno, Eagle Scout, 152 IQ, credited , producer, label head, hustler. I make music- sleazy sexy spicy stuff, bound to move your hips...
Greg "G-Rigg" Bailor, Reno/Washoe Valley/Epicly Drunk
"Fogel is the rarest thing on this planet... he will leave you speechless... and probably messed up...
What is one good quality about [FoGEL]?
he has the best stories... WILL THE THRILL... BILL"
Jake Mestre, Reno/Italy/Intense Rides.
"The Mars thing is only becuase of your unique personality. Your use of the english language is rather unique and It wouldn't be completely wrong to say that you might be an alien. Your intelligence is unusual for somebody who smokes as much as you do. I'm not saying there is anything wrong with you. Its just you. It is a pleasure to have known you as long as I have."
Black Rabbit (aka Alice Crow), London/The Darkabre
"Hey... You have EXCELLENT taste. Good to see the world hasn't completely gone all boring.... XXX"
Eric Winkle, Reno/Yay Area/Deeper Hyphy
"James Fogel is ... singing carefully orchestrated lyrics before the inevitable death of his opponent, yet does the James Fogel stand in the same realm of fame as this Great ... Poo. Simple stated: no. Why? you may ask. Because the James Fogel is much more famous and deserving of far more recognition than a poo-throwing, corn-eating, and lyric-singing poo mound. The fact of the matter is James Fogel is the ... great mighty. The difference is as defining as the line between a man and a boy. Fogel, the man."
Ed "Muhfuckin Ed," Ferencik, Reno/Vegas/The Finest Kitchens
"What do you think of [FoGEL]?
one of the coolest cats i know, i admire his taste in everything"
Jenna Talbott, Reno/Tahoe/The Faeirie Realm
"i just thought i would take this opportunity to tell you that i truely recognize you as an individual and am SO grateful you're in my life. :-) like erin was saying, fogel isnt just a person.... hes an experience." "congratulations fogel... ...for simply being the most incredibly-minded person i think i have ever met."
Brad Fogel Midwest/Fogelsphere/Higher Truth
"You're doing it! You're making all the right moves! Me and all my faithful bretheren are very proud of you and hope you continue to elevate yourself toward the next plateau, for you are the missing piece to this complex puzzle. Keep on keepin on and set an example for the world to embrace. With great power comes great responsibilty: The creed of any great leader. Thank you once again."
Andre Lazer Hollywood/Pools of Sleaze/Pools of Women
"hair raising solos.. you tore up the stage. maestro fogel was too much to handle."