UTIOG History:
Aaron Bruno and Drew Stewart were formally members of HomeTown Hero and signed to the now defunct Maverick Records from 2002-2004. In 2004 after several member changes and label woes the band was on haitus. Around this time Aaron and Drew connected back with childhood friend Jamin Wilcox (former drummer of Audiovent) and began to jam together. All three had experienced several turmoils with major labels and wanted to create music under their own circumstances. The music from these sessions would later be recorded and released free over the internet and called Bitch City. Still going under the moniker HomeTown Hero at this point. However, the evolution of the music did not fit the name so they dropped the name. Still being contractually obligated to Maverick, they label held the legal rights to it. The members freed themselves of the label without the music but are currently in legal talks to once again obtain all rights to it and possibly release some, if not all of the songs, in the future.
The three friends pressed on and decided to call themselves Under the Influence of Giants. A reflection of their continuos struggle to be free of superior authority. They found keyboardist Katie Logan and bassist David Amezuca and began to play shows in the Los Angles area, selling out venues like the Roxy and Key Club several times, in mid 2005. In Spring of 2006 Katie Logan, after a short West Coast Tour, decided to amicably leave the band and created the duo Katie and Katie with a friend.
In the winter of 2005 they signed with Island Records. The released their debut in summer of 2006 on Island Records.
They have headlined a club tour in the US and UK. They have also gone on tour in the UK and Eurpoe with the Sounds, as well as opeing for them .. dates in the United States