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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi, im 22 years old from Scunthorpe, currently studying History at Hull university. I enjoy playing football and like keeping active as much as possible, going to the gym, long distance running etc. I Love a wide range of films, music and books and all things Italian! I enjoy a challenge and am currently attempting to learn Spanish. I think it is important to learn about exciting and diverse cultres from around the world and interact with people from these cultures, so as to learn from them and generally become a better person from this experience. Sound very serious dont i, well, to counter this, i have my childish moments and love with a passion the game pro evolution soccer! I also have a great interest and in many ways respect for the world of organised crime. I find the mafia to be an immensely intersting aspect of our society. I admire the mentality of many criminals. I have the upmost respect for guys who plan audacious bank jobs or high profile assassinations, because of the dedication and unwavered discipline that they have for their work. I hate petty criminals, small time thiefs, vandals etc because to be honest, what is the fucking point??? People who take big risks for big rewards, whether it be legal or not, are people i admire.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Would love to meet, Al Pacino and Robert De niro, two of the finest actors on earth and true inspirations. Hannibal Lecter because he is just such a genius and i am in awe of his mental capacity whenever i watch the silence of the lambs. The fact he eats people, in many ways make him more of a anomoly and is certainly worthy of pscycho analysis. I love the way he absorbs information and creates a memory palace in his mind, where he can store any information he learns and can access it in an instant. Halle berry would also be a pleasure to meet, i admire her acting ability and you may have noticed she is rather attractive. Id also like to ask Andrea Pirlo how he can be such a footballing legend yet maintain a quite fantastic crop of hair through a full gruelling 90 minutes of football!

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