I have not given up on writing! In fact, some days words actually make it onto the page! Victory!
Things I am trying not to do lately:
go to weddings, watch rubbish tv, shop for things online, procrastinate, lose things, buy toy treehouses/ houses/ shoes, live in a bin.
Things I am trying to do lately:
write, make small creatures out of felt, not freak people out with stories of midge.
Lately I am mostly:
reading crap and not crap (anything not on thesis topic), photocopying, charity shopping, window shopping, sleeping.
Interests lately: Darmstadt, Mass Observation publications, Artistic communities c.1890s, workers housing c.1890s.
Just finished reading: Fugitive Pieces by Anne Michaels, really amazing, Ondaatje-esque. Was inspired by my visit to Imperial War Museum Auschwitz painting exhibition.
Now reading: Nikolski by Nicholas Dicker. I have hopes for it, we'll see.
It is freezing lately. NOW is the winter of our discontent.