Adam Guthrie profile picture

Adam Guthrie

About Me

At times, Adam Guthrie is...A sellout, bi-polar, sleep apnea-diagnosed insomniac, lead ukulelist, tasteless guitarist, technical, soulful, percussive fingerpicker, glass-jawed egomaniac, unintentionally maniacal, manic-impressive, screamer songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, multi-genre, multi-faceted, multi-personality, punk schlocker, folkstar, bison king, leather-clad fatass, casualty of banality, terminally adolescent, walking cliché, overly clever, pitiful, witful pseudo-intellectual, confident, verbally incontinent, taxed by runaway trains of thought, full of himself and occasionally fooling himself into rising above a crippling fear of failure, fighting the good fight, for the people, focused when money is involved, slightly bitter about being fired via voicemail @ 6:30 am, almost at peace with attaining hard fought yet forgotten clout accumulated by his former band Pain, off to war against the machine, out for blood until bloated, under the gun, under the shogun’s slipping sword of Damocles, overcharged on late fees for half-paid lost highway dues, onto bigger and better schemes, preparing for status as panned comeback artist, anachronistic perfectionist, pun abuser like “parole model” or “white liar,” shamefully proud, misunderstood mumbler, routine needer, constantly inconsistent, medication-time ignorer, exaggerationist, paraphrased-past revisionist, uncondonable lifestylist, barely a back row Baptist, almost Episcopalian, nearly agnostic, spiritually tolerant like Johnny Cash, irrationally angered by rightwing radio hosts, red white and blue blackilsted, accosted when caustic, paranoidally obsessive over receding-hairline-fractured-toe-the-Marxist/monopolistic-fre edom of choice-facade perpetuated by fortunate-son-fiscal-conservatives/social dems a.k.a. subourbon-fueled drug abusers, fiercely patriotic, still afraid of Karl Rove, champion of the moral minority, passionate prey for rawk and/or roll, professional peddler of prose, “a high society, street-road bum” to quote D. Pirner, unapologetically liberal, capitalist, capital gains abolitionist, dichotomist in favor of middle class tax cuts and universal health care, southern by the mace of God, hateless, hopeful romantic, fidgety fidelitist forever in lust with his wife.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/21/2007
Band Members:
Influences: 7 years after his punk band Pain went on indefinite hiatus, guitarist Adam Guthrie returns to the rock arena, fronting a new band showcasing over 15 years of the screamer/songwriter’s material via dynamic, high-energy, earnest performances. “This is the proudest I have ever been of a group,” says Guthrie.Naruto and hinata goggins

Sounds Like:Smoke-Damaged Love by Adam Guthrie Pain "Square Pegs" Pain "In a Band" Clay Connor and the Criminals "Empty Pockets"
Type of Label: Unsigned

My Blog

Priceless -Topper Price rapid-fire pseudo-eulogy

Topper Tribute: the Nick, 5-29-7 Set list: Priceless This American Life You Can't Put Your Arms Around a Memory Back in the Good Old World Priceless         Albei...
Posted by on Thu, 21 Jun 2007 19:02:00 GMT