Saving Society
Saving Society Episode 3
First Off Let Me Tell You All The Word Sick Does Not Even Describe Me Anymore. I Have Done Things So Fucked Up I Scare Myself. Im Backyard Wrestlings Sick MexXxican And I Will Hurt You. I'll Spit in your face and kick you while you're down.Im Not Conceted I DO NOT Think im am better then you, YOU THINK I am better than you. I'm 110% MexXxican but dont match no stereo-types. I Wrestle For My Country And For God. I am In Love (10.28.07). I got rated Backyard Wrestler Of the year back in 2005. Im A Backyard Wrestler From The East Coast Area and have worked Mexico as well. I Consider Myself A Deathmatch Style Backyard Wrestler. I Have Been To Two Mental Hospitals And Spent Many Hours In Councling for the sport. I Have Been declared Sane By The Germantown Mental Hospital ...Whatever. Im A Big Shot. I Have Been Backyard Wrestling Since 2002. My Greatest Accomplishment Was Winning The XBW World Title Back In August 1 of 2005. So I Drink A Little and am not Straight Edge Anymore....Sue Me. So To all the Backyard Wrestling Promotions All Around The World U Line Them Up And Ill Knock Them Down...
If your serious about booking me for a backyard wrestling show for your Fed/Party/Wedding or want me to appear on one of your music videos or talent shows or whatever the case may be talk to my booking agent Mike @ [email protected] will bring my hand picked opponent. Wrestling talent from your fed will cost you more,the type of match will vary the price as well.* I Do Not Provide Weponds* Again I do not take bookings here visit mike at Thank You.