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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Hi! My name is Steve. Thanks for visiting.
Have you ever had one of those days that rocked your world? A day where everything changed?
I had one of those days in 2001. I'm an entrepreneur and I've spent my entire professional career serving and helping people get more out of life.
First as the pastor of a church; then as the regional manager for one of the largest financial services companies in the world. I've owned a retail store and founded a wholistic health center. I've served on the boards of half a dozen Acadamies of Finance in various school districts in Florida. I served as president of the board of housing for the elderly, a project that we built outside Philadelphia.
So, I've had little money, then lots of money, then lost it and regained it. Several years ago I was on a call with my Sr VP who had the unfortunate task of "downsizing" me. The tech wreck in the market in 2001, and a changing corporate world sent many of us packing. At 57 not many companies want to hire someone at 6 figures, stock options, bonuses, stock plans healthcare etc.
Here's what I remember about that meeting: I was stunned, dazed, hurt, scared, whatever. But something else was there. I was also relieved. The corporate pressure was gone. That VP remains a friend to this day. He had a job to do. I understood. It happens. Enron, Worldcom, Bear Stearns. NO ONE IS IMMUNE. My problem was I didn't have a plan B. But I got one FAST
NOW, I want to share my knowledge and experience with others. I believe that's my purpose. I now have the goal of helping as many people as possible understand and PROFIT from the major trends happening RIGHT NOW, that WILL impact all but the very wealthy in the next 15-20 years.
It dosent matter what business you're in, retail sales, real estate, mortgage broker, net work marketing, direct sales, as the song goes "These Times They Are a Changin". A new economic reality is being birthed. I want to help you avoid some of the possible pain. It dosent have to be a shocker. IN FACT IT CAN BE VERY PROFITABLE.
Some of these trends are very negative and some are VERY POSITIVE. Each has its compelling story. Which trend path are you on? I know there is a way to grow your business, harness the power of the internet to attract FREE TARGETED LEADS, and devleop a predictable and sustainable stream of income. I may be able to help you avoid some of the pitfalls along the way. I'm looking for people who need help NOW. FREE training FREE information is available.
Go to there's lots of free information there for you. Dont forget to add me as a friend:)

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Other entrepreneurs, networking professionals, sales people from all professions; realestate, mortgage brokerage, furniture, auto, financial services, widgets or wagets, makes no difference. I want to meet people who want to GET ON WITH IT in life; be empowered and be serious agents of change and contribution.

People who awake one day to find that everything has changed. A job or health or finances;....maybe drastically... and they want to FINALLY take charge of their own destiny. I want to meet people who want to truely understand some of the huge economic and social trends taking place today and how to profit from them.

If you are in or just out of college, in your middle years or staring retirement in the face with a pension and retirement that just wont cut it; then I want to meet you.

If want to learn how to harness the power of the NEW internet to promote your business or yourself and have prospects come to YOU. Contact me!

If you are an enthusiastic, motivated and self starting kind of person, I'm looking for those people. You should be open to learning and understanding the new dynamics that are going to shape our economic futures and very interested in how you can benefit from them. I'm NOT interested in meeting people who are stuck in the past and focused on a perpetual pity party. I'm not looking for those with an entitlement mentality.


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