Already met them =]
So why do yal go to clubs?
Y do you all do drugs?
Looking for something?
Something missing?
Selfesteem maybe?
Ok so you call or text 10 ppl to find the drugs you want, so that you'll get fucked up at the party.
Den you spend an hour getting your hair and makeup ready.
Now your there. You'r boring.
Time to take your drugs so you can loose yourself right?
So you can be fun to be around right?
I say, who cares if your fun to be around?
The other ppl who are fucking themselves up so they are fun to be around too. GREAT
So now your hot, and fun to be around, and u meet a super hotty. He takes you to the back to get laid.
Awesome. All your hard work and corruption is paying off.
Your ego is boosted
You think everyone thinks your cool.
But everyone thinks everyone else thinks their cool.( get that? )
Now your peein on a test that says your pregnant. HOW FUN!
And now for my favorite part...
So now your ego's low cauz of all that
SOOOOO you go out n do it all over again! WOOPY!!