Underground Concept profile picture

Underground Concept

About Me

Updates:3/31/07 - OK. Most recent update.Due to changing our music production software platform, expect a lot of downtime between our next song releases, but expect much more professionally sounding releases and re-releases. We're currently creating an mp3 player for our unreleased promos that will be on this page shortly!As far as DJing goes... We have our basic DJing setup... Turntables. Mixer. Vinyls. Etc. (Roughly $600 in equipment) And slowly working up a vinyl collection that we're cataloguing for everyone to see what we have and if anyone's interested in us performing at or anyone coming to any house shows. (Roughly $700 in records)Yes. We're still working on some of the best tracks FFR has yet heard. Yes. We may be joining in on a record label. Yes. We will someday because the most well renouned Electronic DJ/Producers Boise has seen. (Gotta start small, right? :P )More to come! :D(Oh... And I deleted ALL of our previous posts so it doesn't look too cluttered... That'll hopefully make some people's eyes happy...)07/02/05 - Broke out of our womb. :P Where Our Music Can/Has Been Heard:
    Mother Of God Featured On FFR Featured On Download.com Featured On MP3Unsigned.com FFR Radio (Winamp) FFR Radio (Windows Media Player) Rogue Radio (Winamp) Rogue Radio (Website Browser) On The Upcoming DJ Xfinity Vinyl Upcoming Game: Unkown Enemy Upcoming Game: Project Euthanasia

More About Us:The crew consists of PolishPat (Patrick Zajda 20 y.o. Born in Chicago, IL) & DJ Gorlock (Josh Peterson 18 y.o. Born in Great Falls, MT) who both reside in Boise, ID currently.It all started that fateful night when PolishPat and DJ Gorlock were laughing it up during The Longest Yard at Edwards.Gorlock - "Man! That Nelly song is SO tight!"
PolishPat - "Hell yeah it is! Dude! I heard about FruityLoops and we should get it and make our own rap beats!"
Gorlock - "HAHA! Yeeeah! I'll make the beats and you rap!"
PolishPat - "Let's do it!!!"That night in a spur of excitment and joy, we used good 'ol Word97 to find synonyms for Invisible Ideology and thus Underground Concept was born!It's been a long time since that day of messing around with FruityLoops 5.0 thinking our music would be Hip-Hop... Some of the programs we now use though consist of Acid Pro 5, Fruity Loops Studio Pro 6, Reason 3, Audacity, Cool Edit Pro, and Soundforge to create some of the most unique D'nB known to man!Our music mainly consists of D'nB style tracks, but have some Trance and House influences.Now both of them have also been getting their hands into DJing and are taking flight from there. The possibilities are limitless with where they are going with music as far as DJing and Music Production goes...

My Interests


Member Since: 02/07/2005
Band Website: http://download.com/ugconcept
Band Members:

    DJ Gorlock PolishPat
    Influences: People we've collaborated with:Spastik The Dedicated Servers DJ Sighanyde DJ Xfinity Sente :P
And some of the people whom we listen to and get our passion for music from include:
    The entire Lifted Crew! :D Nosia Current Value SPL Counterstrike Pendulum Tiesto Ferry Corsten Armin Van Buuren The many MANY artists of FFR! And Various D'nB & Trance/House Artists!

Sounds Like: Updated as of 09/08/07! See The Unreleased UGC Promo MP3 Player In Our News Blog!
Type of Label: Major

My Blog

UGC Unreleased MP3 Promo Player!

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Posted by on Sat, 08 Sep 2007 19:24:00 GMT