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On The Upcoming DJ Xfinity Vinyl
Upcoming Game: Unkown Enemy
Upcoming Game: Project Euthanasia
More About Us:The crew consists of PolishPat (Patrick Zajda 20 y.o. Born in Chicago, IL) & DJ Gorlock (Josh Peterson 18 y.o. Born in Great Falls, MT) who both reside in Boise, ID currently.It all started that fateful night when PolishPat and DJ Gorlock were laughing it up during The Longest Yard at Edwards.Gorlock - "Man! That Nelly song is SO tight!"
PolishPat - "Hell yeah it is! Dude! I heard about FruityLoops and we should get it and make our own rap beats!"
Gorlock - "HAHA! Yeeeah! I'll make the beats and you rap!"
PolishPat - "Let's do it!!!"That night in a spur of excitment and joy, we used good 'ol Word97 to find synonyms for Invisible Ideology and thus Underground Concept was born!It's been a long time since that day of messing around with FruityLoops 5.0 thinking our music would be Hip-Hop... Some of the programs we now use though consist of Acid Pro 5, Fruity Loops Studio Pro 6, Reason 3, Audacity, Cool Edit Pro, and Soundforge to create some of the most unique D'nB known to man!Our music mainly consists of D'nB style tracks, but have some Trance and House influences.Now both of them have also been getting their hands into DJing and are taking flight from there. The possibilities are limitless with where they are going with music as far as DJing and Music Production goes...