Non Phat Mama profile picture

Non Phat Mama

I am here for Friends

About Me

terra cotta pie......
Music of the Moment
Placebo ~ Post Blue
My stats: 43, 5'7", 116lbs, 158IQ, curly black hair, goofy and outgoing, mama of 3, artsy, geeky, smart-assed... but extremely contemplative, sensitive and deeply spiritual... all with an undeniable streak of deviance.
I communicate exceptionally well, (though I do tend to curse A LOT), am politically opinionated (though I try to keep it to a minimum), and often view things from a different perspective than the norm. I'll smile or cry at things no one else seems to notice, and I believe 'it's really all good', despite the dronings-on in my blog. (Which, if you wanna get to know me, you should read. It goes back to July 2005.)
My 'Interests' on the left might give ya more of a clue.
You are 'INFJ' - the Counselor

Your type is best summed up by the word "counselor", which belongs to the larger group of idealists. Only 2% of the population share your type. You are so empathic that you often know what others need before they know themselves. You are a complex person who can deal with complicated issues and people, almost prefer to, as you love problem solving. You can be something of an idealist or perfectionist, and should try to take yourself a little less seriously.
You are a supportive and insightful romantic partner, encouraging your mate to have dreams and work hard to make those dreams come true. Because you are so creative, you have a wealth of ideas to help them toward those goals. You need harmony so much that you are driven to resolve conflict quickly, as long as the terms don't violate your ethics. You feel the most appreciated when your partner admires your creativity, trusts your inspirations, and respects your values. It is also vitally important that your partner be open and emotionally available - in other words, that they be willing to share themselves completely.
Your group summary: Idealists (NF)
Your type summary: INFJ
Take The LONG Scientific Personality Test

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Like-minded and like-hearted freaks. Funny, honest, kind, good-intentioned, brilliant and extroverted people who can spell properly, bathe (somewhat) regularly and groove to the tunes on my page.
People who wallow in absolute honesty without fluff or chit-chat or superficiality. People who say what they mean and mean what they say, without manipulation, 'hints', 'clues' or any other form of nonrepresentational bullshit.
People who think and feel openly and have nothing to hide because they actually 'get it'. People who wear their soul OUTSIDE their bodies.
People who are a bit 'different' (you know who you are). And Craig Ferguson. Oh yeah.
Plus you must be willing to play with my llama and like it.

*My disclaimer to complete strangers:
I'm not here to see how many 'friends' I can collect. I only pretend to have to pull my ego beside me in a Red Rider wagon, so I am NOT here to stroke it.
I won't add you if you're a band or a business and accost me first. I won't add you if we have nothing in common and I won't add you if you already have 500 'friends'. Or if you're a Republican... damn, almost forgot that one. Oh, or in need of institutionalization. (I know that one takes some self-realization, but most folks have an idea.)
If I add you, it's because I actually like and relate to what I know of you so far and I'll tell you that.
Soooo... I'm here to amuse myself, read about you, write about me, and hopefully widen my circle. Ta dum.

UPDATE... I have to say that I'm not proud, but I folded under the business/social networking pressure and finally joined the 'Book of Face'. If you know my company name or my full name, come find me. I hate to say this, but it's far more interactive, real time and really great for my business. I'm keeping this profile so I can bitch or celebrate this or that in my blog... but I'm over 'on that other site' every day. ~ I know... I know... such a sell-out....

My Blog

Contact from the Mother Ship

Well well well.... there is life after all, you say. Yes indeed... there is. So I'm FINALLY out of school, gave myself three certifications and spent over 1140 hours learning stuff.It's sad, because I...
Posted by on Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:50:00 GMT

into flames

"Pardon me while I burst into flames... I've had enough of the world, and its people's mindless games, So pardon me while I burn, and rise above the flame..." Pardon Me by Incubus ~ 1999 ~~ I am a...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jul 2008 10:08:00 GMT

Hook em Horns!

I took the big kid to Austin this week. Just a day's visit to see the campus and remember how much I love that city. :o) Fuck, I love that place. Fortunately, the kid loves it too. I believe I wa...
Posted by on Sun, 29 Jun 2008 01:30:00 GMT

yay boo WTF

What the fuck did MySpace do???  OK, I'm struggling overe here, this loyal workhorse of a machine scraping by on a mere 384 RAM... barely able to download video, cheating by running on service...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Jun 2008 13:40:00 GMT


stuff to type about so i don't have to do the very important shit i need to do and can only do today. i've decided to eliminate all capital letters in this blog. one, because i'm lazy and two, beca...
Posted by on Sat, 08 Mar 2008 16:03:00 GMT

ha ha ha

Ha ha ha ha ha ... ahhhh... this makes me laugh so hard I cry... News anchors can't stop laughing at falling modelClick the ad off at the bottom so you can really enjoy it.That poor girl will...
Posted by on Sat, 23 Feb 2008 13:25:00 GMT

I’ll Miss You

I apologize in advance for this REALLY long post. It's for me. And it's about my grandpa. On Thursday January 31st, my grandpa died. He was 82 years old. I thought when I blogged last, that thi...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Feb 2008 23:56:00 GMT

my grandpa

My grandfather is dying. Could be days. Maybe weeks. And it's horrible to be part of. It's been a high-crisis situation since December 31st when he was admitted to the hospital for one thing and it ...
Posted by on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 20:11:00 GMT

I remember how warped and twisted I really am when...

 I think shit like this is simply FUCKING BRILLIANT!!! Salad Fingers Part 2I even wrote the guy and told him how fucking brilliant he is.And yes, there's a series of Mr. Fingers episodes. Happy ...
Posted by on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 07:50:00 GMT

Milking X-Mas / Happy List

So today is officially Christmas. It's difficult for my fingers to type that word, as we've eliminated that 'holy-day' for our celebration of X-mas, many years ago. Being Italian, the big-assed Chri...
Posted by on Tue, 25 Dec 2007 01:45:00 GMT