JENNY TALIA from AUSTRALIA profile picture


About Me

pics from the FORCES ENTERTAINMENT TOUR to EAST TIMOR JUNE 2008 - what a bloody amazing time!!

buy jenny's cds on now on itunes - just click here:------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------or at cdbaby

From the Outback of Australia comes a new brand of comedic talent that will blow your mind. Jenny Talia from Australia is a blond haired, blue-eyed, fast-talking, ball busting Sheila with an attitude, and that’s on a good day! This feisty little woman has a voice larger than herself and an arsenal of material to make any woman proud and every bloke piss themselves laughing. Coupled with an amazing talent for writing songs that mirror the ridiculous realities in life, Jenny delivers a fresh approach to comedy as never seen before. Having just returned from another successful solo tour of Australia, Jenny once again is preparing to cross the pond for a limited number of headling shows. It doesn't stop there! The next 12 months will see Jenny Talia strut her stuff from New Zealand to East Timor - Chicago to Sydney. Jenny’s just released third album, Without Adult Supervision, features the observational, “CAMEL TOE”, the love song, “DAVID BECKHAM” and the crowd favourite, “NO MORE BUSH” Folks, there’s a little bit of everything for every one. Jenny Talia is a proud advocate for equal rights so not only will she take the piss out of you, but she doesn't mind taking it right out of herself as well. Never before have you seen anything like her and surely she is something you’ll not soon forget! ******"She's bright, funny and easy-going, but you might think twice about introducing her to your mum and dad. Raunchy songwriter Jenny Talia is adept at addressing even the most taboo subjects with her cutting edge humour. Her reputation as a bawdy songwriter who doesn't pull any punches is on fine display in her 'must see' live show!" ******"Witty & unique, and not to mention ball busting - she's a bloody funny sheila." ******"She's my retirement fund!" - kevin bloody wilson ******"With a voice as unique as a Harley Davison and a comedy style all her own, she's a hilarious hybrid of Billy Connolly, Bette Midler & and the drunk chick at the office party..." ******"Hey Jenny, Thanks for the great show at the Langford, its so good to get out and have a good laugh, & that you sure know how to give. We love your new Cd,It even got my hubby laughing, so it must be good?? Hope you & your family have a safe trip home and we look forward to seeing you the next time you play in Perth." - patricia ******"I WENT TO LANGFORD POSTERS TAVERN LAST NIGHT WITH MY MUM AND 3 FRIENDS, WE SAT UP THE FRONT, WHICH I LOVED, WE HAD A BLOODY BALL, YOU ROCK CHICK, YOU ARE BRILLIANT FOR THE SONGS YOU WRITE AND THE SHOW YOU PUT ON. HURRY BACK TO PERTH.IT WAS THE BEST SHOW I HAVE EVER BEEN TO." - charmaine ******"just saw your show in Tamworth for country music festival. It was a top show and piss funny. Funniest thing I've heard for ages" - brett ******"Was at the show in Glasgow in November and thought I would just let you know how fantastic it was I had never heard of you until that night and I have to say you had me in tears you were that funny.I bought your cds and played them all the way home. Thanks for a brilliant night keep it going" - Fiona ******"my wife and i went to see you and your dad in Southend,you were fantastic.please keep on going.Please do me a favore and go to south africa so all my friends can see you THANK you. you're fucking good!!!!!!!" - anthony ******"Saw u for the first time at Southend on the last show of the u.k tour and now a huge fan! Supurb! U rock!" - rachel ******"GREAT SITE JEN, SAW YOU IN STOCKPORT.........CHIP OFF THE OLD MANS BLOCK.bRILLIANT" - kevin ******"Hi Jenny you were fantastic on sat 3rd nov in ayr haven't laughed as much for years" - linda ****** "Hi there, Saw you in Tunbridge Wells on the 19th october absolutly brilliant as usuall Thanks for a fab show.." - daniel ****** You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

My Interests


Member Since: 6/20/2007
Band Website:
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BAREFOOT & PREGNANT (& nowhere near a f***ing kitchen!) JENNY SINGS THE BASTARD SONG LIVE IN DUBLIN 2003
Influences: PICS FROM THE 2007 UK TOUR...


Record Label: Both Barrels Music
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

the slingshot heard around the world

Check out the video of me & mum in AucklandIt's at truly are fucking idiots!But I guess you already knew that...
Posted by on Sun, 19 Apr 2009 22:14:00 GMT

vid of the week

So apparently I'm going straight to hell for posting this videoWell - technically not for posting it - more for laughing my arse of when I watched it
Posted by on Thu, 02 Apr 2009 12:51:00 GMT

Now I'm not one to moanWho am I kidding?I love to moan, whinge, and WHIIIINE!So where the fuck are you guys?I know people are reading the blog at jennytalia.comThe numbers tell me soBut where are your...
Posted by on Fri, 06 Mar 2009 10:45:00 GMT

And we're off....

Oh yeahI'm blogging - I'm blogging - I'm blogging!!The new blogging / website is up and runningwww.jennytalia.comSo from now on I'll be doing ALL my blogging from thereThe plan is to blog at least onc...
Posted by on Thu, 26 Feb 2009 08:57:00 GMT

UK tour date changes

Hi Guys Just a quickie (don't we all love those!)Have altered the UK tour dates a little There's 6 more shows I won't be doing - these ones:08.09.09 Tue Motherwell Concert Hall Motherwell09.09.09 Wed...
Posted by on Mon, 23 Feb 2009 13:43:00 GMT

anyone there?

Wow - you know you're a lazy cow when it's February 19th and your typing your FIRST BLOG OF THE FUCKING YEAR!No excuse really - actually I have shitloads, but none you'll believe or wanna listen toSo ...
Posted by on Thu, 19 Feb 2009 13:54:00 GMT

2 in one day? Holy shit!

Technically this isn't a second blog for today - it's stuff I forgot to tell you in the other one.I've put the UK dates up in the gig section that I'll be doing next year.To let you know the dates I W...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 11:56:00 GMT

Bye Bye 2008!!

Did you all have a good Christmas??Mine was fantastic. Having young kids around at this time of year really is pretty special - 'believers' as Dad calls them. We've had a ball with them this year.Bur ...
Posted by on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 11:48:00 GMT

in & out

Almost home from the whirlwind trip to Perth.When I say nearly - I mean San Francisco.Ive actually spent more time in airports than in planes on this trip - which sucks - cause Im in the air a tota...
Posted by on Sat, 20 Dec 2008 17:22:00 GMT

that time of the month

So it's that time of the month.No....not THAT time of the month! I'll try again.It's that time of the YEAR! Although I do detect a slight trace of PMS creeeping in to this blog already! Apologies in a...
Posted by on Wed, 17 Dec 2008 02:42:00 GMT