Theatre, Design, Theatrical Design :), Psychology, Broadway shows, Any good music, people, art, literature, food, really anything. It's all interesting when you really look at it. Anything that inspres or excites me... width="425" height="350" ...... width="425" height="350" ....
anyone who's ever been on Broadway, anyone that is fun to hang around with, anyone who can teach me something, and pretty much anyone who loves people in general.
In the past I haven't had much time to listen to music, but now that I've re-discovered this wonderful thing called a disc man, I've pretty much fallen in love with most of the stuff that crosses my ears. I'll listen to anything that I can appreciate because the person who created it truly appreciates music. Anything that was created with love, and soul... anything that sounds beautiful, and celebrates beauty, which is what music should do.
anything that isn't crap. Anything that makes me think. Current movies I've seen Click: Cute... I'll never see it again, but it was nice. It's kind of a one deal thing. Lake House: Brilliant. It was rough at spots, and I wish that they could re tewak a few things, but it was good, none the less. Movies I'm about to see: Devil Wears Prada, Superman... anything that's coming out or in theatres...
Anything that has something about art, design, music, or a lic of intellegence.However when I'm in a stupid mood, I will occasioanlly indulge upon a reality TV show, but what I usually watch, if anything isanything in the Discovery Channel Empire... (Travel Channel, Food Channel, Animal Plantet) MTV, VH1, Bravo, the Style Network, some Adult Swim stuff...I adore Family Guy, and most of the stuff on VH1...
really don't get enough time to read, but I usually find something I like in everything I read...I'd be a horrible book critic, unless of course you asked me to read a book from a critical point of view... in which case I will rip something to shreads, books I have loved include:WICKED, They Cage the Animals at Night, Memoirs of a Geisha...I swear I want to read more...
there are too many to list...