i love:
hanging out with friends,
watching movies,
listening to music,
going to dances,
and much much more.
If you want to learn more about me...
add me dollface =)
Shove my body up against yours,
R U N your fingers through my hair,
kiss me like you mean it
I'd like to meet:
He has the most adorable eyes
You could e v e r fall for;
And the cutest smile that could
Take your breath away
He has the ability to make you laugh
E v e r y t i m e he speaks,
and whenever
You look into his eyes, it's so hard to turn away
I Want To Be The First
To Kiss You In The Morning,
And The Last
To Hold Your Hand At Night.
This is my dream ♥
-Something Corporate
-Secondhand Serenade
-My Favourite Episode
-Three Days Grace
-Third Eye Blind
-Goo Goo Dolls
-Hilary Duff
-Kelly Clarkson
-No Doubt
-No Serentity
-Negative Results
-SMB Project
-Michelle Branch
-Vanessa Carlton
-Vertical Horizon
-THeory Of a Deadman
-Rise Against
-Simple Plan
-Fall Out Boy
-Panic! At the Disco
-Blink 182
-Avril Lavigne
-All American Rejects
-3 Doors Down
i love movies.
Romantic comedies are my favourite.
chick flicks kick ass.
And who could pass up action movies
Two hours of hot guys??
Im so there.
I love musicals...such as Rent and Grease.
I hate scary movies.
Love saw though.
And Disney movies, duh.
-Grey's Anatomy ♥
- Gilmore GIrls ♥
- House ♥
- Bones
- CSI (all 3)
- What I Like About You.
- 8 Simple Rules
- Sabrina The Teenage Witch
- Survivor
i love books.
Lately im not reading as much..
But thats okay.
I'll basically read anything.
Im really into romance novels atm.
Kay: Kay is my bestest best friend in the whole wide world,
& according to some random grade 9, she’s my girl friend too. Booyeah!! lol. She knows me better than all, & she’s always the first one i go to when i need to talk to someone, or when I have a problem.
always be there when your life goes hectic & wrong. I’m always here to help you. I’ve been here all along. ♥>
We've only been friends for a year....but we've been really close since day one. We are really alike, & get each other. I dunno what I would do without you girl. I love you with all my heart.
Justin: I love this kid with literally all my heart. Clichés and all, this kid is the one for me. Pretty much love at first sight, and all that jazz. He’s my second half. We have a lot in common, have similar interests, goals, and just everything. He gets me. Understands what I’m talking about 100% of the time. Which is refreshing because most people dont. He's always there for me, & listens to what I’m saying. & he’s just perfect for me in everyway. I love you so much babe
<.09. .24. .06.>
<Love is friendship set on fire.
Sometimes it warms you up,
& if you aren’t careful,
you get burned .
Im pretty warm right now,
how bout you? >
Zara!!: Zarakins. What to say about her? Hmm other than I FUCKING LOVE THIS GIRL!!!
Christomafer: I've known this kid for about 2 years now. He’s one of the bestest friends i have. Iunno what i would do without this kid. He’s been there for me through so much. Great to talk to, lots of fun to be around, and just an overall amazing guy. Love ya hun
Alison!!: So many great times with you as well. We have a lot more in common than we think sometimes. We definitely don’t hang out enough, but i still love you :)
Peter!!: This kid is definitely my hero. He carried all 4 bags of really heavy food for the food bank into class for me =). He's a great friend...always there for you when you need him, & a great listener. He gives good advice, & is really good at cheering you up if you're down in the dumps. Thanks for everything dear
Liz!: Liz is my hero...for obvious reasons. I mean...garsh. Its Lizzzzzzz! She sat through the torturous Mr. Maggio third period math class beside me, which we definitely talked more in than actually paid attention….. lmao Stupid math and stupid Mr. Maggio. Oh well. Liz is my dear grade one buddy. & fellow ex-Taekwon Do loser. lol Gotta love them random parties. Mhm. My shoulder had a lovely bruise from you biting me bitch. lol LOVE YOU
Matt Platt!! – …is mine =) Damn straight bitches…he’s my husband. =) Teehee. Clearly I use him for sex & my homework. Lol No...but in all seriousness…Matt is a great guy, & an awesome friend. He’s definitely the smartest kid I know, & has definitely helped me out with my homework many times. Yet he's still a cool guy. I know…best of both worlds, eh? Crazy twister parties with this kid. Lol
Lyndz – Lyndz is my hero…even though she never spells her name right. Garsh. She makes my life most of the time, & always knows how to cheer me up & make me giggle. Lol Great times to be had with this girl, & satisfaction is always guaranteed. She is my fellow gay pride faerie, & twister champ
BENJI!!!: Hmm what to say? Me and Benjamin went out about a million years ago (a.k.a. ...grade 9 aha), and we're still really close friends. Iunno what I would do without this kid in my life, he’s awesome :) Proof that not all ex-boyfriends need to be shipped off to mars. :) I would trust this boy with my deepest secrets, he'll never repeat a thing you tell him. He’s grrrrrrrrrrrrreat. Turns out his choice was the right one.
Ash: ASHHY HEMPHILL!!!!! OHMYGEE!! I love this girl so much. Our cruise was prolly one of the best weeks of my life. We had so many good times...the heli pad, the Mike’s Todd gave us, Jamaica, & so much more. I love this girl to pieces. I find it really funny how she made out with the boy, i went out with the boy, now her and then the boy fell in love. ahha ew. =S We share so much in common. Mannerisms, sayings, boys, life stories. We’re pretty much the same person, we just live TOO FUCKING FAR AWAY =( This girl is amazing, and i love her to death. CANT WAIT TO COME SEE YOU!!!!!!!
Dan - You are simply my hero for the amazing act of.... PUNCHING MATT IN THE FACE!!!!!
ANGE!!!!!!!!!!!: Spange is one of my life long friends. I have known this girl from the olden days...the days when we were in guides. Wow that’s forever ago. So many laughs and memories, talks lasting ‘til 4am, making fun of others//each other. Good times fo sho.
Maddy: This quote basically sums up everything...."We used to be able to talk about everything. But now it’s impossible to even start a decent conversation. You can’t deny it. Things have changed. We've grown apart." That makes me quite sad. But I'm positive that things are going to get 100% better, we're on the right track. I really hope I’m right. Love you Maddy