¿Rawwr°its.ShirEen° profile picture



About Me

elloooo :]

am just that random kid walkin down the street!
headphones blearing, phone in hand
thumbs soon to me crippled from none-stop txtn
head up! constently with a grin plasterd on it..
probly laughing at a cloud!never look where am going!

nobody can be summed up in a few paragraphs.
expecially a person like me so i wont even try
i cant tell you about me, you have to finds that out for urself
Soooooo use them buttons up there ^ if rearly wana know!yeah :]

I'm just that random kid shireen:]

msn?..pervy boys no, girls yeah ;]

My Interests

+clubs, pubs , bars , gigs
+being a lightwieght
+smoking way too much
+talking to strangers
+tea 'n' toast
+being a whore in gay town

I'd like to meet:

i would marry that girl ♥...
..e4 voice over guy!
absolute ledgend!
+maybe i wana meet you so add me =]


profile song is by..
Does it offend you,Yeah?
click to add them!


why not ay?
hes a good role modle for kids