My Music
Sara on Facebook
I care about people
I love my friends & family
I drive a scooter not only because it's fun, not only because it's cheap, but because it helps cut down environmental pollution, street damage & traffic jams
I'm a Houston Singer/Songwriter, looking to break away from my individualism & have a community effort of a band
I'm in the middle of recording stuff
I write some
I love to woodwork
I love quotes. Mostly things my friends say, or I say in their presence that are either profound or the most hilarious thing you've ever heard...
I take loads of photographs
Pretty ready to quit my job & do music full-time
I have a cat that barely sees me cause I'm out and about all the time. I miss her.
My mummy lives in Colorado with her new husband
My brother lives down the street with his new wife
I love it that my friends live pretty close to me. It allows a lot of spontaneity in my life. Which is something I am most thankful for.
•Live Shows
•Playing Live Shows
•Crunching dried leaves under my shoes
•Water Balloon Fights
•The Porch
•Porch Monkies...
•Monkies in general
•Making out
•Riding the scooter downtown at night
•Downtown at night
•Riding in the rain
•The rain in general
•Water in general for that matter
•The air mattress in my living room
•Influencing people
•People influencing me
•Playing with a cellist...
•Amazing movies
•Amazing stories
•Amazing songwriting
•Amazing photography
•Amazing people
•I don't really care for the word amazing. Or moist.
•Being hungry
•When my cat throws up
•Throwing up in general isn't too fun
•Dead sea turtles
•Wind in my eyes
•Falling down hurts
•Punching friends in the face
•Getting drunk at a show and forgetting lyrics...
•the 9-5
•BS Games
•Not having a swimming pool
•Getting around to doing laundry
•Being bored