Elysia Gabriela Quinones growin in my belly prego ticker my belly is now my table hehe .. >my two bestis i love this girl MY girl Por vida mi familia maggie and her two boys My big belly growing mommy and her princessa OGs in So Cal my two loves my big o belly in san diego im loving the yellow shirt Talkin on the phone with my boo Jenessa just got her hair done by her tia amber my baby girl jenessa and i sharing kissis the love of my life is back in my life poem to my boo
Myspace Layouts smile now cry later
glitter-graphics.com poem
glitter-graphics.com RIP uncle Paul and Nani
but it really does hurt
cute poem
Myspace Comments poem yo
well ive already met the one id like to spend the rest of my life with but also id just like to meet friends people that will always be there never do u dirty i dont like shady people nor do i like haters so if u r one get the fuck off my page Sergio and I VIDIO the one
80's, Phycohbilly,Doo Wop, Meteors,House, Hard House, Trance, Techno,Elecro, Gabber, R&B, Jungle,DJ Irene, Bad Boy Bill, Dj Sammy, Eddie murphy, Cindy Lopper,Morrissey
Myspace Graphics
Myspace Layouts
Myspace Layouts
Law in Order
, Criminal Intent, Murder By Numbers, CSI, close to home, all them Law shows, also MTV, BET, Miami ink oh and you cant forget them cartoons especially FAMILY GUY OMG and then theres the comedians Dane cook and then Jeff Dunham Jeff Dunham, Peanut & Jose FULL!
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I like to read books about Law, Criminal activity such as drugs,lock up and shit some love books but it has to have a edge to it u know
my hero is my uncle his name was paul he was always there for me through thick and thin i miss him so much also a drink to my uncle paulA DRINK TO UNCLE PAUL .. my tattoo in loving memory uncle paul RIP Nani i will alway love u and miss u your always in my heart RIP Andres I Love u Forever RIP Carey