From the depths of hell came Incarnadine... That is the end of the story. From Pakistan hailed the two warriors, Nadir and Amir. One day, they found themselves in Flushing, Queens. They did not know how they arrived there. Amongst the ruins of an ancient battle field, Evan came... the only survivor of the epic battle. Seeing that they were all warriors, they became friends at once. Then Evan said that they should challenge the Devil to a battle since they were such great warriors. Satan heard this and accepted the battle. They lost. In Hell was where they met me. We became friends very soon after meeting, since I was a Samurai in one of my prior lifes. We asked Satan if we could form a Synth-Pop band to entertain him. Satan replied that there can be no bands except metal bands in Hell. So we formed a metal band, and named it Incarnadine. We played one show for Satan, and were asked to play a show for God. In Heaven, God thought we sucked ass. Evan asked God for forgiveness. From the words of god himself, "Incarnadine shall be sentenced to eternal damnation for being too god damn metal." To this Evan, just a young slavakian at the time, replied "Nigga, you ain't know shit 'bout no metal." God found it so amusing that Evan called him the N-word, that he decided to give all the members of Incarnadine divinity and the ability to write songs like no other. Damn right. - Señor Gordonious
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