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About Me

I am
erika (nicknames: eri, trya, cherry) / from hungary / 18 years old / obsessed / talkative / trusty / a complex, even so a simple person / childish / a passionate person / fool / crazy / retard / a wants-everything-now person / helpful / so eri ( it means so evil xD) / pessimistic / jeans maniac / friendly / allergic to pink people / addicted to the internet
I love
my friends / hanging out with my friends / music / my guitar (and other intsruments) / lyrics / poems / writing / play the guitar / my legends (among others to Szonyi, Beverley Mitchell, Hayley Williams, David Desrosiers, Nathan Leone) / animals / movies / series / books / north america (and other continents) / getting to know new people / speaking / msn / shopping / to love / travelling
I hate
lies / liar / celebs / plaza-bitches / heartless people / gossips / rumors / racizm / trains / incomprehension / when someone plays with other people / when somebody breaks someone’s life / hungarian music (ok, i love 3 bands xD) / people who can’t play music, even so they’re famous
My fave quotes
'Do anything what you want, don't care what people think. if you do, you'll be miserable!' /David Desrosiers/
'Music is subjective. You're not supposed to like everything you hear, but if you like something and it moves you, you win, ok. So don't let anyone tell you what's cool or uncool to listen to cuz that's bullshit" /Nathan Leone/

My Blog

songs what i can cry on....

One of my great friend, Sonias written a blog where shes said her song what she can cry on. I wrote my list like that, too (I hope you aren't angry, sonia). I just& love these songs in my heart. Iv...
Posted by on Tue, 24 Feb 2009 11:35:00 GMT

The best 3 songs ever

1. The Calling  Wherever You Will Go-Why? Because Im a so romantic. Yes, I am. I think, it is the best slow-song ever. I have a few memory to it. I know, this band is unknow to lots of people and ...
Posted by on Fri, 02 Jan 2009 00:48:00 GMT

Zenekritika: Folie a Deux (Fall Out Boy)

Fall Out Boy - Faloi a Deux (2008)Nagyon vártam, hogy végre meghallgathassam az új albumot, mivel egyik kedvenc bandámról van szó. Míg meg nem jelent elég sok pletykát hallottam, hogy elhiphoposodtak,...
Posted by on Sun, 14 Dec 2008 09:23:00 GMT

Merry Christmas

A wonderful dream of love and peace for everyone, of living our lives in perfect harmony, a wonderful dream of joy and fun for everyone, to celebrate a life where all are freeWell, I just wanna tell...
Posted by on Mon, 08 Dec 2008 11:01:00 GMT

Zenekritika: The War is Ours (Escape The Fate)

 Escape The Fate - This War Is Ours (2008)(elQljáróban: bocs Evy, de ez van.^^)Az elsQ benyomásom errQl a bandáról, mikor a 2006-os ep-jüket hallgattam, hogy vajon mi akart ez lenni. Metal, Rock vagy...
Posted by on Tue, 11 Nov 2008 09:31:00 GMT

Zenekritika - Start Something (Lostprophets)

Lostprophets - Start Something (2004)A Lostprophets nem mondható új bandának, hisz már három lemezük jelent meg, és 2009-re újabbat terveznek. Szintén egyik sokat hallgatott banda számomra, és több i...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 09:11:00 GMT

Zenekritika - Big Bad World (Plain White T's)

Plain White T's - Big Bad World (2008)Nem az elsQ kritika amit írok, de az elsQ amit ide, myspace-re. Nos egyik kedvenc bandám nemrég új albummal jelentkezett és örömmel hallgattam meg, mivel végre v...
Posted by on Sun, 09 Nov 2008 02:44:00 GMT