MRS.HARRIS profile picture


U swear u kno me cuz u heard my name but if u really met me den u know da game. Drama neva ends &

About Me

I been in Memphis for about 3 months so far its straight except for these lame ass dick sucking ass niggas acting like bitches and these dike ass bitches acting like niggas. I guess beside all that its cool. I'm originally from Greenville, MS. I'm single and loving it! My baby daddy and I are going through some things right now and thats why I'm only looking for friends. The easiest thing to do in the world is to be real, so practice before you approach me.

My Interests

Do He kIsS iN pUbLiC?: hell yea
dO hE hOlD uR hAnD?: yeah
Do He CuDdLe?: yea
dId He EvA bUy U sUmPiN?: yeah
dO yA sPeNd AlOt Of TiMe 2GeThEr?: yes
Do U mEsS wIt HeM wHeN hE wAnA cHiLl?: yes
Do U nOe HeS sPoTs?: yea
Do U hOlD oNtO hEm?: yea
HaVe U eVa LeT hEm LaY oN tOp Of U?: yes a lot of times
dId U eVa BiT hEs NeCk/DoEs He LyKe It?: yea and yes
HoW mUcH tImE dO u LyKe To SpEnD wIt HeM?: a whole lot
iS hE pRoTeCtIvE oF u?: hell yeah
iS hE tHa OnLy OnE fOr U?: yeah
wEn He TaLkS dO u LiStEn?: sometimes
iS hE jEaLoUs wEn Ur WiT oThA BoYz?: hell yeah
HoW dOeS He FeEL wEN uR oN tHa PoNe WiT oThA bOYz?: he get real mad and jealous
dO hE pLaN dAtEs OnE aFtA tHa?: yes
DoEs He EvA sHoW oFf Or TrY 2 iMpReSs u?: yeah
Is He LyKe A cHILd WeN yA hAvE a FiGhT?: no
dO u MeSs WiT hEm WeN hE tElLs U 2 sToP?: yes
iS hE aGgReSsIvE?: yes
dO hE hAvE HiS dAiIs WeN hEs AnNoYiN?: yes
hOw OfTeN dO yA kIsS?: all the time
r U aLwAyS oVa HeS hOuSe?: no
DoEs He FiNdS wAyS 2 sPeNd TiMe WiT u?: yes
Do Ya TaKe PiKs 2GeThEr?: yes
Do U dO tHaNgS tO pLz HeM?: yes
dO u SaY tHiNgS 2 mAkE hEm LaUgH?: yes
hOw OfTeN lyKe 2 TeAsE hEm?: all the time
Is LuV a ToP pRiOrItY?: yes
hOw DoEs U tHiNk He FeEl BoUt U?: I know he loves me

I'd like to meet:

A very single good man and no bitches!




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