Do He kIsS iN pUbLiC?: hell yea
dO hE hOlD uR hAnD?: yeah
Do He CuDdLe?: yea
dId He EvA bUy U sUmPiN?: yeah
dO yA sPeNd AlOt Of TiMe 2GeThEr?: yes
Do U mEsS wIt HeM wHeN hE wAnA cHiLl?: yes
Do U nOe HeS sPoTs?: yea
Do U hOlD oNtO hEm?: yea
HaVe U eVa LeT hEm LaY oN tOp Of U?: yes a lot of times
dId U eVa BiT hEs NeCk/DoEs He LyKe It?: yea and yes
HoW mUcH tImE dO u LyKe To SpEnD wIt HeM?: a whole lot
iS hE pRoTeCtIvE oF u?: hell yeah
iS hE tHa OnLy OnE fOr U?: yeah
wEn He TaLkS dO u LiStEn?: sometimes
iS hE jEaLoUs wEn Ur WiT oThA BoYz?: hell yeah
HoW dOeS He FeEL wEN uR oN tHa PoNe WiT oThA bOYz?: he get real mad and jealous
dO hE pLaN dAtEs OnE aFtA tHa?: yes
DoEs He EvA sHoW oFf Or TrY 2 iMpReSs u?: yeah
Is He LyKe A cHILd WeN yA hAvE a FiGhT?: no
dO u MeSs WiT hEm WeN hE tElLs U 2 sToP?: yes
iS hE aGgReSsIvE?: yes
dO hE hAvE HiS dAiIs WeN hEs AnNoYiN?: yes
hOw OfTeN dO yA kIsS?: all the time
r U aLwAyS oVa HeS hOuSe?: no
DoEs He FiNdS wAyS 2 sPeNd TiMe WiT u?: yes
Do Ya TaKe PiKs 2GeThEr?: yes
Do U dO tHaNgS tO pLz HeM?: yes
dO u SaY tHiNgS 2 mAkE hEm LaUgH?: yes
hOw OfTeN lyKe 2 TeAsE hEm?: all the time
Is LuV a ToP pRiOrItY?: yes
hOw DoEs U tHiNk He FeEl BoUt U?: I know he loves me
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