Shane profile picture


About Me

18...Go to PSU...Play soccer
What would you do if?:
What would you do if?
The President of the United States called you: You have the wrong number
You won the lottery: STi
You got invited to be on a reality TV show: Burn an American flag
You caught a friend stealing from you: It happens
You witnessed a murder: Tell an exaggerated story about it
A random stranger offered you candy: They always have the best
MySpace and Facebook closed: The world goes on
A genie granted you one wish: Be done with school
You lost your favorite possession: Id want it back
You found 10 dollars on the ground: Finders keepers
Your date throws up on you: Suffocate her in it
Someone cut off a chunk of your hair: She would be very mad
Your favorite celebrity comes to visit you: He wouldnt have meant it
You were stranded on an island with nothing but the ability to make one phone call: Probably the Coast Guard?...or wouldnt that make sense
Take this survey or other MySpace Surveys at

My Interests

MISS Friends Soccer

I'd like to meet:

Dave Matthews . Rob Smith . Thierry Henrybody { background-color:FFFFFF; background-image:url(' ayouts/0001.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed; backgroun


A Perfect Circle..Aerosmith..Alkaline Trio..Audioslave..Billy Joel..Black Sabbath..Breaking Benjamin..Cake..Deuce..DMB..Dispatch..Drowning Pool..Easy E..Eric Clapton..Filter..Godsmack..Hawthorne Heights..Ice Cube..Ice T..Jack Johnson..Journey..Kelly Clarkson..Metallica..NWA..OAR..Pearl Jam..Pennywise..Pink Floyd..Powerman 5000..Queen..Rage Against the Machine..Rob Zombie..Rufio..Smashing Pumpskins..System of a Down..The Cure..The Who..The Killers..White Zombie




ESPN...Comdey Central


Mein Kampf..American Skinheads
