Cinnabunny Jones profile picture

Cinnabunny Jones

CJ: Beyond Thunderdome

About Me

This is actually my second profile, since the internet felt it to be wholly necessary to up and delete the first one. I'm fairly certain that that's God's way of saying I'm not allowed to have nice things. But anyway, on to the facts:
-I am tall and ungainly.
-My speech and mannerisms are very dry, not unlike most stereotypical British house servants.
-I tend to speak in monotone.
-Facts two and three combine to make it seem like I hate you, but that's not the case.
-I have a bad habit of using big words when it is completely unnecessarily and in fact just brings communication to it's knees.
-I enjoy discussion and analytical discourse quite a bit (see?)
-I'm not nearly as boring as the above sentence made me sound.
-I am very liberal, but do not want to discuss politics. Not even with you.
-I think I am more clever than I really am.
-I'm one of those assholes who thinks that their taste in music is nothing less than perfect.
-But I secretly know that it just annoys most people.
-I appreciate a good laugh and a good book.
-I also kind of like older video games, before they all became over-glorified murder-porn.
Still want to bother?
AIM- CJVsTheInternet

My Interests

Demon summoning high-school children (Not Harry Potter), Harry Potter,sandwiches, hot sauce, hip-hop culture, being the whitest man alive, the environment, reading, paleo-futurism, sandwiches with hot sauce, discussion, household servant abuse, personal freedoms, personal responsibility, reckless hedonism, knowledge of impressive (but ultimately useless) historical anecdotes, the English language, Scotland, bands from Scotland that tend to mope a lot, color theory, interior design, pretending I can write, unnecessary interests, corn and corn alone day, vampire fiction, alternative history, velvet paintings of both Jesus and unicorns (represented in equal measure), getting yelled at in Spanish, freak-ass juggalettes, outliving Larry the Cable Guy, men of society, and having an awesome girlfriend.

I'd like to meet:

As one might have guessed by the picture above, I have already met who I'd like to meet, and I am just as happy with it as she is lovely (Which is quite a bit.) That being said, I am actually almost a friendly person when you get to know me. If you like talking about food, music, comedy, environmentalism, books, criticism, theology, mythology, awesomelogy, or sandwiches (which are a type of food,) you'd do well to give me a ring.


My Blog

Random Rules: Week One

I got bored today, so I decided to play Random Rules. For those not in the know, Random Rules is just when you leave your mp3 player on shuffle and free associate with the results:Good Stuff - The B-5...
Posted by Cinnabunny Jones on Fri, 10 Aug 2007 12:52:00 PST

366 Music Videos Project: Day 3

Yesterday, I promised the greatest video of the 20th century. A video so amazing, so artful, so mind-blowing that you cannot help but to watch it over and over again, being transported far beyond your...
Posted by Cinnabunny Jones on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 02:46:00 PST

366 Music Videos Project: Day 2

After an audience response that mostly consisted of the phrase "what project?" I have decided to confine this project to my blog. This way, people who might want to read it can go ahead and subscribe,...
Posted by Cinnabunny Jones on Wed, 27 Jun 2007 08:58:00 PST