Quantum Physics, Nanotechnology and it's future applications in urban warfare, and Missy Edwards
I'd really love to meet someone who can appreciate the delicate pallet of Madagascarian cuisine. Or at the very least, someone I can smack around for a bit.
T-rex, John Lennon, Interpol, Berry Manilow, Pink Floyd, Superjoint Ritual, Radiohead, The Comas, The Anomoanan, The Faint, Lance Bass, Rogue Wave, Joy Division, God Speed You! Black Emperor, Tarantella, Blood Brothers, Led Zeppelin, David Hasslehoff, Sisters of Mercy, Pearl Jam, The Yeah Yeah Yeah's, Mclusky, Built To Spill, Neil Young, Nirvana, Yanni, Comets on Fire, These Arms Are Snakes, Erase Errata, and everything Johnny Mathis did before 1972.
I'm really a big fan of what the Dutch are doing with the Midget-porn genre. They've takin something we all grew up with, and made it into something new...and fresh. I just can't stop raveing about it.
...great band. Diffentitly check out Marque Moon if you get a chance kids!
The Communist Manifesto and Mein Kampf. Both really swell reads. I wonder which will be proven right. Which will stand the test of time?
Oscar Robinson, Nostradamas, Stephen King, The Guy/Chick that invented the pet rock, Albert Einstein, Joan of Arc, Napoloen Bonaparte, Karl Marx, Mozart, Charles Bukowski, Hunter S. Thompson, Wilfred Brimley, Anastasia Romanov, Johnny Rotten, The Marx Brothers, Sylvia Plath, Don Lapre, Buddha, Mohammed, Dhali Lhama, Nelson Mandela, Optimus Prime, Princess Diana, Eli Whitney, Chi Guevera, F.D.R., J.F.K., R.F.K., M.L.K., Me..ok?