This is not one of those spam sites nor is it "I'll send you a free gift card." This is just people Fed up with the politics of the current U.S. Government
“American Girls and American Guys
We’ll always stand up and salute
We’ll always recognize
When we see Old Glory Flying
There’s a lot of men dead
So we can sleep in peace at night
When we lay down our headâ€â€¦
But lately it is hard to sleep in peace at night,
not only because of our enemies outside but because of the
corruptness of our government from within.
After considering all the candidates for the 2008 presidential election, both republican and democrat, we realize that
there are no candidates in whom we have full confidence. It seems as though each candidate only gives us the option of trading one evil for a lesser one.
Every American has a right and responsibility to vote! However, when we go to the polls, we will nominate (by writing in the name) a person, in whom we believe has America's best interest in mind, that person is Mr. Toby Keith.
Who else has shown so much love for our country, showed support for our troops, and who has the courage to stand up for what is right, without pushing a personal agenda?
We live in a society where right wing Republicans force their conservative views and Left wing democrats are focused more on individual rights than on the well being of our country. It is time for common, American, people to stand up and let their voice be heard.We are tired of politicians. We want to live, successfully, the American Dream, where our children can grow up happy in the land of the free without fear. We want a government that is truly by the people and for the people. Mr. Keith is one such common American. Toby, has been from rags to riches, loves his country, and who seems interested in not following a parties guideline but simply doing what is right.
Toby most likely will not be the next American president. However, if enough people vote for Toby Keith, it will send the message to Washington that we are tired of the political bullshit. It is time to live and let live and to anyone who opposes that..... "we will put a boot in your ass it is the American way".......Get your layout at