Blumbomen BimbiBlimbiPlimbi? Yes.
***So ar yu plimbi? ar yu smol? ar yu NOT MEN? If = nO, then listen blumbomen! blumbomen OREIA musik and redobject. blumbomen piley theremin. blumbomen piley bol. blumbomen no play drums or porni :( :( :( Mystic sound of Greece and spirit of REBETES is Blumbomen, it make Eurovision seem like smol manki. We ar the boys of 1821!!!
***Interests: Sometime show play. Minminm pople! Girl comes and touches blumbomen strange place. This = very intrstink.
***Band members: We don't know how min. Maybe 3 or 29. Five drachmas hanky-panky.
***Inspiration: Blumbomen giv inspiration. One time mouse-men Brian comes, listen OREIA Blumbomen song "Are YOU" and he suddenly has KAVLI! KAvli= big as the WORLD! Here is a picture of this "world" so you can compare... ***