There are many things that I love to do. I love to read, watch funny shit, play games, hang out, and believe it or not, help people with their problems. I feel it gives me a sense of true purpose.
God, I want to tear him a new asshole for his "GRAND" design. Also those who can teach me more about life than a book or the TV. Anyone who holds up their end of a conversation. Everybody gets one...thats my motto.
Music is a passion wasted on fools. I love many types of music but not too processed. I like Tool, Stonesour, System of a Down, to name some rock favs. I like pop to an extent but love the sound of classical piano or a good techno beat. I like them all, all except for country. I used to but have grown sickened by those who turned it into the steaming pile of crap it is today.
If it's a movie I will watch it. I will remeber most of the lines too. I tend to point out "issues" in the movie. Screwups and so on. Though I do have a few favs. I like Anchorman, Team America, Reservoir Dogs, and Monty Python movies, South Park: BLU, Training Day, Rainman, and Braveheart to name a few.
I watch a lot of Adult Swim. Family Guy, Futurama, Full Metal Alchemist, Trinity Blood. I also like the cop dramas. I only like the original CSI though, but I like all of the Law and Orders and NYPD Blue. Other than sports that is the extent of my television for any period of time.
I love to read. I like John Grisham, Tom Clansey, Robert Jordan, and anything from Greek, and Roman times. To be taken by a book is to be brought into a world of imagination. Only you can make it work and it works to your specifications.
I don't believe in heroes. All were meant to dissapoint at one point or another, and it is hard to overcome it. There are no heroes, only role models, and I look to my own heart to decide things, I will not follow in another's footsteps. Instead I will make my own steps, and my own stumbles as well.