Iya, im Caiti im tiny and i laugh too loud i dnor what else. KNIGHT CAT.
2 in a bed. I cant sleep to save anymore.
/ //i/ //l/i/k/e /y/o/u/ / //
Freedom, Luella Bartley, Emma Cook, Look Book, mystery, Glitterati, Hacienda, lace ups, American Apparel ethic, Monki, new goth, rag and bone, highwaisted everything, eyes wide shut, long legs, hello china, iya sweden, cats, beaches, youth, Olsen, perry, Christope Decarnin, good photographs, sleepin forever, mum, il filles, zips, little bones, lux, gold, dancin, when ur soft wi me, sp, summer, peach ice t, Harry Treadaway, travels, raspberries, good friends, Brighton, I love Alexander Wang 4 eva, texts, stand up comedy, sky, In Search of a Midnight Kiss, gillofilippa, festivals, Manchester, Northern quatre, zzz, Pocahaunted, eyelashes, style over fashion, what a babe, lace, sewin machines, messy guy, a parcel from london, drummers and painters, v boutiques, fineliners, Lovecat, Jessica, date with the night // XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX