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Prince,Shelia E., Michael Jackson, New Edition, Vanity, Ready for the World, The Time, LL cool J, Rick Springfield, Billy Joel (Glass Houses), Rick James, Mary Jane Girls, Teena Marie, I like Eddie Murphy when he sings. Cross the Whitestone..SuBurban SouNdZ AHHHHH!!! Blondie (Dreaming!), Anything 80's, Tribe Called Quest, Cody Chetnutt, Hall & Oates.Then there is my Obsession with Freestyle music.... TKA, George Lamond, Joey Kidd, Clear Touch, Coro, Suave, Johnny O, The Nasty Boyz, The Cover Girls, Tiana, Sweet Sensation, Corrina, Lissette Melendez, Cynthia, Judy Torres....COME INTO MY ARMS BABY I KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!
Purple Rain, Krush Groove, Beat Street, Salsa (that movie is crazy!), All Spike Lee Movies...Love it! Do the Right Thing..MOOKIE with Da Ice!!! Malcolm X...FiGht Da PoWeR!!! JUICE, The Last Dragon, Rocky, Saturday Night Fever, Goodfellas, Bronx Tale, My Cousin Vinny, Donnie Brasco...Nice Nice BabY!..Then there is my 80's flicks..Ferris!!!!...then there is Pretty in Pink, The Breakfast Club, 16 Candles, Anyone see Boogie Nights..that soundtrack is Amazing!!!!..My favorite Horror Movie of all time..."He Wants You Too MALACHI"..Children of the Corn.
Sopranos, Don't forget the Lyrics, American Idol, Rock of Love, George Lopez is Soooooo Funny!!!, Three's Company, Jeffersons, The Odd Couple, Facts of Life!, The Honeymooners, What's Happening..Charles in Charge. Dr.Phil is so cool..he keeps it real.Judge Judy, I like Ellen. The Smart Guy, and Sister Sister. Twilight Zone Marathons and The HULK!
I enjoy reading biographies.