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I am here for Networking

About Me

I'm a guitarist and bassist, not looking for gigs currently. I'm looking for a property where I will set up a project studio recording music and hopefully shooting videos doing comedy and interviews and what ever else I can think of. I think I found a place, in Washington NJ, but we'll see if it all pans out.The name "Queso Con Brio" was a joke. I recorded demos for bands I was in, on the old Tascam Porta-One cassette recorder, and we put on the tapes "Recorded at Queso Con Brio" or Queso Con Brio II or Queso Con Brio mobile recording, or what ever we felt like calling it at the moment. Queso is obviously cheese, Con Brio is a musical term sort of meaning to play the music with a swagger or "ballsy sounding". Usually you'd see it like "Allegro Con Brio" which means fast and vigoriously. "With Balls" is how I used to sum it up. So, Cheese with balls is what Queso Con Brio means. When I do find a place to set up as a studio, I guess I'll still call it Queso Con Brio.Anyway, that is where I'm at right now. That, and I've just finished an Improv 401 class at the UCB in NY. It is a lot of fun.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I don't get the "who I'd like to meet" thing. Is there a reason for it? Well here goes nothing.I'd like to meet Claudia Schiffer 20 years ago. Since that can't happen, how about Jessica Alba, but drunk enough for her to think I'm her type of guy.Really, how about: Mumia Abu Jamal, Ralph Nadar or Amy Goodman.If dead people count: Bobby Kennedy, Jimi Hendrix, or Mauro Giuliani just to hear him play guitar.

My Blog

What I learned from being phished (if that is what it is called)

Recently, I was "phished" I think the word is.  It sucked, more for my "myspace friends" than me probably.  Here is what I learned from it.First, if you click on something and you get "you h...
Posted by on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:33:00 GMT

I'm outta here for a week on vacation

Hey, I'm outta here for a week on vacation.  I have a lot of pending freinds requests and stuff so if I don't respond or say "thanks for the add" it is because I'm not here.  later,
Posted by on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 07:30:00 GMT

Finding a building for my Studio

Man, I don't know what it is with these buildings.  I've seen three buildings in my price range (because I'm a cheap bastard and don't want to tie up much money at all in a building, regardless of the...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 06:59:00 GMT

My Space "stalker track" is just a "phishing" expedition

Be leary of the My Space "stalker tracker" web site, they apparently are just phishing for your personal data, log in as you and then try contacting people on your friends list.  Here is a URL to a pa...
Posted by on Tue, 10 Jul 2007 20:25:00 GMT

Added a couple of pics

I added a couple of pics I got from Jim Grande's My Space page-- with his permission of course--, from a gig we did at a coffee house in Asbury Park like in early spring.  It was a lot of fun.  I thin...
Posted by on Sat, 07 Jul 2007 20:22:00 GMT

which classes should I take

Happy Fourth everybody.  With my area under a tornado watch, what better time to be freaking out about which classes I should take.  The issue comes down to two things, when to take a 201 class, and i...
Posted by on Wed, 04 Jul 2007 18:40:00 GMT

Steve Youngblood Kicks Ass!!!!!

I'm so glad to see one of my heros, Steve Youngblood, is here on my space-- and even better: I'm on his friends list now so I can get his bulletins.  They might not be that frequent (or maybe the are,...
Posted by on Sat, 30 Jun 2007 23:19:00 GMT

Wow, there is a whole lotta spam out there!

I was shocked to see how much spam you get hit with here!  At one point I couldn't keep up with the number of Freinds requests,all from spammers.  Hot blonde chicks from ... China ... hmmmm .... that ...
Posted by on Fri, 29 Jun 2007 20:55:00 GMT