..:The Two Faces of Me:.. profile picture

..:The Two Faces of Me:..

I am here for Friends

About Me

3.11.08...let's see what to say....I'm just Laura May. A chill, laid back, no bullshit type of woman. I don't have much time to myself due to my career choice so its pretty much all work and no play for me. That's about me...... .. ..I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts! Myspace Graphics


My Interests

I'd like to meet:

I think my brother put it best when he said "people are just people, who I'd really like to meet is my Creator"..START BZOINK.COM SURVEY CODE>
l o n g & r a n d o m.. <33
The Basics.
Name: Laura
Age: 21
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 168
Sex: F
Sexual Orientation: Hetrosexual
Nickname: Woochie, Lowie, Lady...
Birthdate: 3.24
So.. enough with the basics.
Did you eat peanut butter: No
Did you lose a sock in the dryer: No
Have you said 'I Love You' to a stranger: No
Did you meet someone at the post office and fall in loooove: No wtf?
Have you ever...
Bungee Jumped: Yes
Been Shot: No
Been Bit: Yes
Laughed so hard you peed your pants.. Tell the truth!: Yes! lol
Have you ever loved somebody so much it made you cry: Kinda
Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night: Yeah...to pee
Have you ever tried to find the words but they don't come out right: Yeah
Have you ever: Ever what?
Picked your nose and ate it: Ugh, probly when I was little
Kicked anybody in the nuts: By accident
This or That
Plaid or Flannel: Flannel
Ceiling or Floor: Floor ;)
Brown or Yellow: Both
Green Apple or Blue Rasberry: Green Apple
Peanut Butter or Marshmallow: Peanut Butter
M&M's or Snickers: Snickers
Hard Liquor or Beer: Hard Liquor (not that I drink ;)
Smirnoff or Twisted Tea: Smirnoff
Lifestyles or Trojan: Neither
John Cena or Vin Diesel: I guess Vin Diesel cause I don't know the other one
Love or Money: Love
Looks or Personality: Personality
Shit is Getting Deep
Do you live in the moment: Sure do
Biggest Fear: Spiders and Disappointing my mother
You have 3 wishes. What would they be: To make it out of nursing school, be happy the rest of my life with the person I love, and be wealthy!
Why: Cause
Pick one of your friends, family members, or your boyfriend/girlfriend..:
& say the person you picked was dying & you only have 5 minutes:
What would you say:
Have you ever attempted suicide: Nope
Have you ever thought about it: Nope
Why: Cause that's a cop out to whatever I'm facing
Have you ever disappointed yourself: Not really
Have you ever disappointed someone else: Of course
Who & How:
Have you ever made yourself throw up: No
Have you ever cried yourself to sleep: No
Have you ever done anything you regret: Yes
Ever been badly depressed: No
Ever done self harm: Hell no!
Ever wished you would wake up in the ER and hear the words "they're dying": No....what the hell kinda question is that?
At this point in your life, are you where you want to be?: A CRNA and a medical attorney
Finish the Sentence
I Love: Harry
I Hate: Spiders
I Want: To gradute
My Love is Like: Whoa...lol
My Heart is: Full....???
Life is: A Bitch
Forever is: in the mind
I Miss: Rashana
If I Could: get paid!
I Regret: Little in life
Suicide is: A cop out!
Here Without You: Is hell on earth
Sometimes I Want: Dance
I Cry: When it really hurts
Love & Such
Who are you with: Harry
Are you in Love: Without a doubt
How many time have you been in love: other than now, 1
Believe in fate: Not really
Believe in destiny: You determine your destiny
Is it possible to be faithful to one person forever: Of course
Want to get married: Yes
Want to have kids: Yes
Names would be: Alayah, Allorah, Amare, and Amir
Do you believe in divorce: No
Do you consider love a mistake: No
Do you need to be in love to have sex: Yes
About Your Top 8
Number One!
Why is this person number one: Cause he's my heart
Who are they: My boyfriend
Ever dated them: Look up
If not, do you want to: Keep looking up
How long have you known them: 3 years
Ever seen them naked: lol, maaaayyyyybeee......
What is the last thing you did with them: watched a movie
Ever told them that you love him/her: Every day
Do you fight: Of course
How often: Not often
Number 2!
Why is this person number two: Cause he's my brother
Who are they: My Brother nigga damn!
Are you related: Oh my goodness.....look up
How well do you know one another: Very well
If you could say one thing to this person, what would it be: BITCH! lol~
Would you take a bullet for this person: Any day!
Why: Cause it's my baby brother!
Number 3!
How often do the two of you hang out: Not often
Does this person know anything & everything about you: Yes
How much do you honestly know about them: A lot
How old are they: 18
Will this person fill out this survey: Maybe, ask her
Have you ever gotten drunk together: Not yet =]
Ever kissed them: Uh, no
Number 4!
Why is this person number 4: Cause she's a hoe
Who are they: My boyfriend's sister!
Ever been stoned with this person: Nope
Would you do anything for this person: Sure would
Will you always be there for this person: Sure will
What is the worst thing about this person: Procrastination
Have you ever fought: Nope
How bad was it:
But you are friends now, right?: Yeah
Number 5!
Why is this person number 5: Cause she's my little bit!
Who are they: My little bit!
Do you even know this person: Yes
If so, do you always have fun while you hang out: Of course!
Do you miss this person: Yeah
Do you love them: Yeah
What would you do if you have never met this person: I really don't know
Ever had sex with this person: FUCK NO! ugh
Number 6!
Why is this person number 6: That's the homie!
Who are they: B-nay!
Ever kissed this person: Hell no!
Ever seen this person cry: Yeah
Is this person able to cheer you up whenever you are feeling down: When we talk, sure!
Do they tell you secrets: Used to, distance is a bitch =[
Do you tell them all of your secrets: I did
Have you ever had a heart to heart with this person: Of course
Number 7!
Why is this person number 7: That's my big brother from another mother
Who are they: Cliffy
Ever met this person's parents: No
Ever been in their bedroom: No
What is this person's favorite color: Dunno, blue, green, black....shit I dunno
Have you ever slept in the same bed as this person: On the same floor yeah....
Can you count on this person at all times: Yeah
Can he/she count on you: Yeah
Ever even met this person: Yessir
Do you chat online: On Myspace....
Number 8
Ever hugged this person: Yep
What is their favorite song: Dunno
Do they look like someone famous: Not to me
Are they fake: Hell no
Could they be a model: Sure
Would they pose for playboy if they could: haha, probly
Are the two of you good friends: Yeah, we're twins
Do you miss this person: Of course I do! She's my SCOOBER!
How often do you see them: Not often....yet
About All of Them
Have 1 and 7 ever dated: That would be gay
Have 5 and 6 ever hung out: No
Which out of your top 8 do you hang out with the most: 1 & 5
Which out of your top 8 do you talk to online the most: 4
Which out of your top 8 do you want to date: 1 and only 1!!! =]
Are you dating somone on your top 8: Yes
Who: 1
Who is the one that you see the least: Six
Who is the one you would like to get to know more: I know all of em pretty well
Who do you think has the most secrets: Five
Who do you confide in the most: One and Five
Who spins you right round baby right round..: WTF?
Has 2 and 7 ever dated: That would be gay
Do any of them have potential to be a lesbian: Haha.....Four
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