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I am here for Friends

About Me

Hey Everybody,
My name is Gannon Nickell... I'm not exactly sure what to put here except for small things that are sort of relevant to "ME".
Well, hey, my name again is Gannon. I've always had this thing for helping others with their problems. Its really a hobby of mine, I guess! One things for sure, though, that my inspiration and my message come not from my mouth alone; but from the ONE that created "inspiration", "poise", and "salvation".
Yes, I suppose I could go on in describing "Him" to you, but I really want you to understand that the real message of His divinity sometimes comes from words not spoken. Instead, His true self and his true identity can be found and read about through people and His word...
Moving On:
I think that one other thing that you really need to understand about me is the fact that I have a knack for politics... I love the smell of a fierce never-ending hott debate between two persons of the same likeness and stability. It really sets the mood doesn't it? I'm a registered REPUBLICAN and I'm proud of it!!! If you have a problem with it; then, lets "debate".
Faith in God, faith in man, faith in work: this is the short formula in which we may sum up the teachings of the founders of New England,—a creed ample enough for this life and the next.
Obama Campaign Rep Stumped on Legislative

I see Dems faced with this question all the time and they all sit there like the biggest piece of crap just landed in their pants. It's pretty funny. People follow Obama because these people are wanting passion for something. They can't find it with liberalism so they need "inspiration" even if it comes from empty rhetoric from a man who was a Senator for 3.6 years before running for President. If people are willing to follow someone this easy then we are on the road to despotism.

My Interests

Acting, Drinking Crush, Drinking Cream Soda, Eating El Charros, Watching The Time, I Enjoy HTML Coding, I Love Rice, I Love Popcorn Shrimp, I Like To Play Counter Strike: Source, I Love My Family, I Love God So Much, I Enjoy Singing Accapella, and Writing... ETC!!!

I'd like to meet:


David Crowder Band
Black Eyed Peas
Marty Ford
Falling Up
Family Force 5
Positive & Encouraging K-Love
Third Day
Chris Rice
Chris Tomlin
Sanctus Real
Todd Agnew
Building 429
The Spinners
The O'Jays
Frankie Vally & The 4Seasons
Jeremy Camp
Mark Harris
Steven Curtis Chapman


The Patriot
Casino Royal
Fast & The Furious
Triple X
League Of Extraordinary Gentleman
Absence Of Light
Ferris Bueller's Day Off


There are a lot of shows that I like to watch... For instance: Everybody Loves Raymond and Deal of No Deal
Those are awesome shows because of the drama and the crazyness in the shows. I like to watch the acting in the shows just to see if I can do the same thing they can do, or better. Its a real charm when I own them with a something better than they portrayed...


Audacity of Hope
Velvet Elvis
Grace For The Moment
There are so many more that I really like; I'm just to freaken lazy to name them all or I just, obviously, couldn't think of them... LOL, what I want to do in my life is set the difference between morality and depravity! One of the most important parts of life is understanding and noticing life. When you step out into the world the first thing that "should" pop in our heads is the want... no no, the need to help others in there struggles and polish the fender of hope in there lives. When there fender (hope) has been broken thats when they need our (christians) help in love, empathy, and morality!!! That is what the sanctity of life is. And that is what I want to hold true too...
In February 2004, U.S. Senate candidate Barack Obama's wife, Michelle, sent a fund-raising letter with the "alarming news" that "right-wing politicians" had passed a law stopping doctors from stabbing half-born babies in the neck with scissors, suctioning out their brains and crushing their skulls. Michelle called partial-birth abortion "a legitimate medical procedure," and wouldn't supporters please pay $150 to attend a luncheon for her husband, who would fight against "cynical ploy[s]" to stop it?
But that's not why Obama's opponent Alan Keyes said Jesus Christ wouldn't vote for him.
Obama recalled Keyes' statement in a recent USA Today opinion piece but omitted his reasoning.
Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama has consistently been a strong second place in the race for the Democratic nomination, but a new poll released by Harris Interactive shows that only 34 percent of Americans would vote for Obama if he were the Democratic nominee, and that the votes are split along age and racial lines.
As many as two in five voters would not vote for him, while one in four Americans are not sure if they would vote for him. The poll results show a racial divide with 76 percent of African Americans supporting Obama in the race, but only 26 percent of Whites would cast a vote for Obama.
Of voters that identify themselves as Democrats, 60 percent would support a Obama presidential ticket, but 20 percent are unsure if they would vote for him, and 19 percent of Democrats would not cast their vote in support of the senator. Age also plays into the results, with 53 percent of voters aged 62 and over willing to vote for Obama. The largest number of voters willing to support Obama comes from the Baby Boomer generation, those who are 43-61, with 38 percent saying they would vote for Obama. Obama draws lukewarm support from political independents. Just 34 percent would vote for him.
Poll numbers reveal that the many of Americans are largely uneducated about Obama's track record in the Senate. Forty-four percent of Americans are unsure about his voting record, but 63 percent of African Americans approve of Obama's record in the Senate. Forty-four percent of Americans feel that the senator lacks the experience required to be president, while 39 percent believe there is no substance to his candidacy. Only 24 percent believe he is too young to hold the office.
The Illinois senator does benefit from high personal numbers. A majority of adults (two-thirds) believe that Obama is very intelligent and 47 percent believe that he inspires personal confidence. Fifty-two percent of voters say they like Obama as a person, and 84 percent of African Americans like Obama personally.

My Blog

Does God Feel Pain...?

I don’t remember what the sermon was about that morning. I don’t recall the name of the chaplain. What I do clearly recollect is the long, loud, rhythmic, exhaling whine of the ambu bag ev...
Posted by Gannon on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:19:00 PST

Why Do The Innocent Suffer...?

This is one of the most difficult questions for Christians to answer. The "problem of pain," as the well-known Christian scholar, C.S. Lewis, once called it, is atheism’s most potent weapon aga...
Posted by Gannon on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:18:00 PST

Encouraging Word...

Democratic presidential nominee Sen. Barack Obama has consistently been a strong second place in the race for the Democratic nomination, but a new poll released by Harris Interactive shows that only 3...
Posted by Gannon on Sun, 30 Mar 2008 11:14:00 PST