Jesus Christ, the Bible, prayer, Art (3-D design, drawing, photography, screenprinting), Animals (all of 'em!), the environment, nature, reading, listening to music, playing the guitar not well, biology, astronomy
In a princess-like, dream-world, wishful-thinking kind of way: My boyfriend.I'd like to meet Selwyn Manning - an exceptionally innovative journalist.
JesusChristian friends --- CRU! & L^3
I really like Christian music. I never used to up until about 3 or 4 years ago. Since then it's helped me to build my faith and chip away the stone around my heartChristian music stations in the area:90.9 Air189.1 KLove101.7 The fuseCasting Crowns, Chris Tomlin, Kutless, and Barlow Girl are my favorites.I also like 80's music, swing, some country, and Magic 106.3 music
Here are a few:The Count of Monte Cristo, Happy Feet, Shakespeare in Love, Serendipity, Ever After, and some other ones.
Grey's Anatomy, Animal Planet, History Channel, Disney, Daria, South Park, Family Guy
The Bible (King James or NIV versions) especially Romans, Hebrews, and Colossians; National Geographic, Smithsonian, and Scientific American magazines, Anne Rice novels, Christian books.
Nurses - those who sincerely care for people and provide soothing, comforting companionship when you're out of sorts. God bless them.
Anyone who helps me grow in a more personal relationship with Jesus.
Anyone who truly listens to other people and knows exactly what to say when you feel bad.