/_______see that "thing"...? its me=Dwhy hello there=D██████████████]im 99.100%more in love than you<3my names ☣Griff☣
well... actualy its Daniel Griffiths but just call
griff cause its easier=D26/03/91â†tis my date of birth... apparently=Pok hmmm well first of all i love to talk about things very irrelevant quite offten=]my daily hobbies are forgeting which house my friends live in
and doing althleting rolly pollies while screaming in the grass ^-^i own a mean lean blue shredding machine called a guitar which i like to
flail randomly on its strings when trying to mimic the incoming buttons on guitar hero
to see if they are actualy real tabs ;)as you can see i am currently in a very worrying 8-BIT phase=]
but i love my retro games=]
why play a game with better graphics than real life you have pixelated men jumping on mushrooms=Dwell chaw for naw everybody^-^