Mike-E (PRIVATE PAGE) RIP DONOVAN!! profile picture


Sky is the limit, believe it and you can achieve it!! I WILL BECOME A SOMETHING IN THIS MUSIC, WATCH

About Me

MonEy motiVated, and a mUSic heaD!! U caN taKe my T.V. juSt not my muSic. THats why i'm in thiS muSIc gaME cuZ i got loVe for it and respecT it. Music ain't eaSy, u goT pEople haTin on yo shiT evEry minUTe of the Day buT if yOU ain'T got no HAteRZ u aiN't stePPin shit up in Life.. Let em hAte and kEEp shit moVIn.. TattEd on my aRm is the P.I. islands with a $100.00 chArm and a saYin i live by "KEep it P.I. so i'll never be a viCtim" "Doin M.E."(MiKe.Enriquez) I caN only Do me, thAts what im beSt at and whEN situatiOns get touGH i'm not gonna be a viCtim to any circUmstanCe. i'm goiN get there regaRdleSS and keeP it P.I. thaTs what goT me this fAr.. i Got my oWn proPerTy noW and i'Ma kEep geTTin this moNey and puRsuIn this muSic thaNGG so waTch out for M.E.!!

My Interests

MuSIC n maKin muSic!!! gETTIN MY MONEY $$$$.... peaCe up to my fOlkz n middLe finger to u hataZ... duEce-oNe e-n-T/ unOrthoKNoX ent to tha extEnded Fam SmaLLzviLLe 9-4-5-7-2.. "diPPed wheN u see mE" cooGi usUaLLy, a.k.a staShhouse clothIng w/ a whitE tee or blaCk tee aLwaYz.. dopE kicKz from dunkZ, air 1's aNd J's..... yadida errYthang that appEals my eyeZ... and goLd bLing!!!!

"2-1 be mY faMily...."

I love the HataZ... keeP me stePPin my gAMe up!!! teLL em moneY miKE!!

Weazel CLothing by DJ ROYAL @ Filthy Dripped

Fresh cut from Reese @ the Fade Away in El Sobrante "More than just a Cut." 510-228-6683

I'd like to meet:

"Meassa Vitug" Definition = Perfection!! R.I.P. baby Hold it down for me till i get up there and don't worry i will not let you down!!! You live in me!!! Thanks for blessin me, and becoming "Mike-Dash-Liss" or "Meassa Enriquez" officially on August 30th 2007. I was looking forward to settling down with you and finally hanging up the jersey but i guess the Lord had other plans for you!! Till we meet again, seems like the pics and the memories are never enough!! I meassa you baby!! You going be a tuff act to follow!!

ERRYONE who knows how to live life to fullest, and enjoy it for what it is... because "ain't enough hours in a day" to be bull shittin... "24 hours in a day, I NEED 10 MO!!!" - MAC DRE...

mEEt the bAY!!!!

weEd, granDaddy, o.g. kuSh, whaTEva get to smoKin n let errythaNG go... life too SHort!! teLL em' monEy mikE!!

my toP FemaLEs: Lauren London... if you ain'T up on her.. go watCH some a-T-L!! trusT i will proMise to "ciAra" and move to left right or anyway for beYonce..



"One word alone possesses endless possibilities: music. Music is the genre that will last an eternity, and capable of surpassing the worlds misfortunes. One voice, one spirit, one word can be shared amongst a world of so many individualists creating a bond in which we call unity."

do it movin son.

-melissa vitug!!-

Some motiVation xPLosiVe 2 messY and quiNN.. CLASSIC


My MusiC:

- Of course MAC DRE a.k.a Furly


Rydah, Husalah, Jacka, Ap-9, Fed-x.

- Dubee a.k.a SugaWolf

- P.S.D. tha Drivah

- Yukmouth/meezy

- Mistah F.A.B. a.k.a Fabby Davis jr, S.O.P.

- San Quinn

- Fully Loaded

-Bailey da Champ, Big Rich

- Messy Marv

- E-40

- Keak Da Sneak a.k.a. "King of Tha Super Duper Hyphy Hyphy Hyphy"

- Andre Nickatina

- Ca$h of Money Gang

- Ya boy a.k.a The Truth

- The Team

-Clyde Carson, Kaz Kyzah, Jungle, Main

- The Thizz Camp

-Crest Creepaz, Veleon etc etc too many too add.

- Zion I

- Goaple

-Fine Ass KeyShia Cole

-rAphael Saadiq

-eRRYone doin it moVin in Da yaY areA

"dA yAy proDucerz"

- Traxamillion

- Rick Rock

- Young DroopE

- eA SKi

- roB Lo

- Taj Mahal

- bUrneR

- duEce one enT.. (rome & louiE)

"Oh Shit here's someotha SLAP"

- R.I.P Tupac

- R.I.P B-I-G

- Nas

- Jay-z

- T.I.

- Wu-Tang

-Method Man, Ghostface Killah, Raekwon.... you know tha rest

- Lil Wayne

- Hot Boyz

- Dip SET

SuppoRtin my feLLow goRRiLLapino's keeP doin ya thanG "NumP trUmp." R.I.P. Mike Dream


they don'T give a fUck about uS!!


bLank pen and Pad and see how I fill it up!!

Don't get ya muthafUckin hood stompEd out!!!


Melissa "Meassa" Vitug (Enriquez)

4/24/86 - 9/3/07 Engaged 8-30-07

"You always roLLed the best blouNts out of any female!! And could hanDle smOkin with mE!! See ya wheN i get there!!

tHe one fEmaLe who i Can tRust.... my mother...

My Blog

The Definition of Love!! Thanks for the letter Meassa

Written by Melissa "Meassa" Vitug for yours truLy!!!   "my thoughts, my hopes, my dreams all consist of but one individual. for the future that just a few months ago i never anticipated to pursue...
Posted by Mike-E R.I.P. Meeassa!! on Thu, 06 Sep 2007 12:45:00 PST

I meassa you!!! Thanks for your blessing!!

the truth to my self discovery simplicity is an attribute that i attempt to pursue, although my alter egos continuously stretch to lengths creating the contrary. ive learned to accept that complexit...
Posted by Mike-E R.I.P. Meeassa!! on Wed, 05 Sep 2007 01:27:00 PST


  ..http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBhcGFzZi5jb20v">.. src="http://www.papasf.com/flyers/2yr01.jpg"/>>..http://www.msplinks.com/MDFodHRwOi8vd3d3LnBhcGFzZi5jb20v">.. src="http...
Posted by Mike-E R.I.P. Meeassa!! on Sun, 22 Jul 2007 08:42:00 PST


"KEEP IT PI SO I'LL NEVER BE A VICTIM" Its so easy just to blame shit on something. " I couldn't get this because this was stoppin me or this cat was hatin or i just don't got enough dough!! " Enough ...
Posted by Mike-E R.I.P. Meeassa!! on Mon, 25 Jun 2007 10:19:00 PST


Mac Dre Thizz Ent article this week in SF Guardian(free newspaper)Don't hate the playa ...Hate the game: Mac Dre's murder is still a mystery, but that doesn't mean he ought to be crucified. By Garrett...
Posted by Mike-E R.I.P. Meeassa!! on Wed, 23 Nov 2005 03:22:00 PST