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Strong Effect Of The Weak Interaction: Exploring The Standard Model Of Physics Without The High-energy Collider
ScienceDaily (Aug. 10, 2009) — Scientists at the University of California, Berkeley, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in the US, have performed sophisticated laser measurements to detect the subtle effects of one of nature's most elusive forces - the "weak interaction". Their work, which reveals the largest effect of the weak interaction ever observed in an atom, is reported in Physical Review Letters and highlighted in the August 10th issue of APS's on-line journal Physics (
Along with gravity, electromagnetism and the strong interaction that holds protons and neutrons together in the nucleus, the weak interaction is one of the four known fundamental forces. It is the force that allows the radioactive decay of a neutron into a proton - the basis of carbon dating – to occur. However, because it acts over such a short range – about a tenth of a percent the diameter of the proton – it is almost impossible to study its effect without large, high-energy particle accelerators.
Theorists had predicted that the weak interaction between an atom's electrons and its nucleus could be quite large in Ytterbium (element 70 in the periodic table). To actually see this interaction, though, Dmitry Budker and his group at UC Berkeley had to carefully perform delicate measurements based on fundamental quantum mechanical effects and systematically eliminate other spurious signals.
The effect Budker and his colleagues see in Ytterbium is about 100 times bigger than what has been seen in Cesium, the atom in which most experiments in this field have been performed so far. The finding of such a large effect in Ytterbium poses an exciting opportunity to use tabletop atomic physics techniques as part of sensitive searches for new physics that complement ongoing efforts at the world's high-energy colliders.
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By Clara Moskowitz Staff Writer posted: 05 August 2009 10:02 am ET

One of NASA's most ambitious new projects isn't in space, but on the ground.

The agency is planning to build its most environmentally-friendly building at its Ames Research Center in Moffett Field, Calif. The structure, to be called Sustainability Base, will likely be the "greenest" building in the federal government, said Steve Zornetzer, Associate Center Director at NASA Ames.

The ceremonial groundbreaking on the $20.6 million building is set for Aug. 25, and construction is expected to be complete around November 2011.

The name for the new facility is an homage to the Tranquility Base from the Apollo 11 moon landing of July 20, 1969, when NASA astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin became the first humans to land and walk on the lunar surface. NASA celebrated the 40th anniversary of the historic Apollo 11 flight last month.

Utilizing solar panels, fuel cells, water recycling systems, and even technology derived from NASA's human and robotic space exploration missions, the building will aim for a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) platinum plus certification.

Sustainability Base is designed to consume no net energy - in other words, it will power itself. And compared to conventional buildings of equal size, it will use 90 percent less potable water.

"I decided that if we're going to build an energy efficient building, why don't we build the most energy efficient building we can possibly build, in the spirit of what we need to do for this country," Zornetzer told

The centerpiece of the building's cutting-edge technology is its intelligent control system, which is based on ones originally developed for NASA spacecraft. A computer inside Sustainability Base will connect to the Internet to call up weather forecasts for the local area to help it plan environmental control. It will have access to electronic calendars of workers in the building, so it can predict how many people will be at a given meeting, and adjust heating and cooling systems appropriately.

Instead of air conditioning, Sustainability Base is designed to cool itself from geothermal wells that route naturally cooled water from underneath the ground through pipes and cooling panels inside the building.

The computer will also control the windows, so when a chill nighttime breeze flows near, the building can take advantage of it too.

NASA also plans to encourage occupants to try to improve their own levels of energy efficiency, which the building will keep track of and report to people on their laptops.

"We want people in the building to compete, to try to optimize their own energy efficiency so they can get the greatest amount of work done with the least amount of watts," Zornetzer said.

Sustainability Base will serve mainly as an office building, but may also house some scientific research and engineering.

The cost of the building will be provided by a NASA program called Renovation by Replacement, which aims to replace antiquated facilities with more modern, energy efficient ones. The building was designed by the AECOM and William McDonough + Partners architectural firms. Swinerton Inc. will carry out the construction.


The Big Bang Theory CBS Mondays at 8:30pm

This show has turned out to be totally a-ma-za-zing!!! I crack up on every single episode! You can watch on if you missed it the first time.

This video is a contest Entry for Lifestyles Condoms. My friends work really hard, had a lot of fun and managed to place in the top 20 out of approximately 4000 entries:

This is a trailer for my very first film, "Sweet Dreams":

And this is the very first movie I did completely on my own!

My Blog

Jack Torrance

I am fat and I am alone. I own the state of being in which reality I find. I am fat and I am alone. I ownt the state of being in which reality I find. I am fat tnat I am alone. I own the state of bein...
Posted by on Sat, 21 Feb 2009 21:35:00 GMT

The First Time the Earth Moved for Me.

Today I experienced my very first Earth Quake, and it was a doozy. Initially it was reported as a 5.8 and an hour later down graded to a 5.4, but no matter how they label it, it was AWSOME! Here's the...
Posted by on Tue, 29 Jul 2008 22:58:00 GMT

My weekend of HORROR!

So, this weekend I attended the three-day horror fest "Fangoria's Weekend of Horror" in Burbank. I gotta say it was a total blast! My friend (and the soon to be seen comic on "Live at Gotham" comedy c...
Posted by on Tue, 22 May 2007 02:15:00 GMT

The Groundhouse

APRIL 7th Don't Miss It!
Posted by on Mon, 26 Mar 2007 00:42:00 GMT

Mardis Gras

Okay, so I just got back from the great city of New Orleans and the excellent celebration of Mardis Gras. I had TOO MUCH FUN!! I tell ya, the French Quarter looks so good! So, for all of you who think...
Posted by on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 14:24:00 GMT

Getting a New Job

So... I just got a job working the boxoffice at the Improv Comedy Club in Miami, Fl. I am too excited. See, I used to work at the Improv in Dallas, TX. Which means that I not only have a job (woo) I h...
Posted by on Fri, 15 Jul 2005 18:59:00 GMT


Becoming a film editor is my dream. Ever since I was seven years-old I have wanted to take the hodge-podge of raw film footage and make it into something that effects all who see it. If you have a dre...
Posted by on Sun, 03 Jul 2005 16:54:00 GMT