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Quizzes by -- the World's Biggest Yearbook!
questions never before asked!!!
name:: Ryan Richard Horner
name you wish you had:: Maximus Stronghold
nickname(s):: Ry.......
how you got it:: Ryan - an = Ry.......
age:: 19
age you feel:: 19
age you..'d like to be:: 19
worst physical attribute:: being white
best physical attribute:: my whole body......
worst characteristic:: i can get pretty pissed off sometimes and curse and break crap
best characteristic:: i'm such a jokester.........
theme song:: all night long
favorite word:: money
favorite food:: chinese
least favorite food:: salad
biggest weakness:: my girlfriend
what makes you weak in the knees:: getting kicked in them
favorite sound:: the low grumble of a nice sounding exhaust
weirdest dream:: don't ask yo
your typically stereotyped as:: quiet
common misconception about you:: i'm quiet
first word:: boob
what kind of kid were you:: a white kid.....mischieveous
type of handwriting:: manuscript
how you sleep:: with my eyes closed in bed usually
rain or snow:: rain
favorite person: esther
favorite character (tv, book, movie, comic, cartoon, etc.):: Peter Griffin
emotion right now:: kinda depressed
favorite phrase:: because you touch yourself at night
favorite color combo:: red/black
best movie:: Crash
favorite singer(s)/band(s):: Jamie Foxx
what you look for in the opposite sex:: beautiful, fun, pretty smile, good personality
times you brush your teeth a day:: deuce
favorite genre of book:: picture
celebrity you'd like to be for a day:: Nicholas Cage
most admired attribute about people:: there's some pretty good looking ones out there
title of the novel that might someday be written about your life:: Too Much for Ya'll to Handle
one word to describe you:: deadsexy
listening to:: the boob toob
favorite day of the week:: Friday
least favorite day of the week:: Monday
favorite month:: December
favorite artist:: Leonardo DaVinci
singer/band you'd like to see in concert:: Kelly Clarkson...haha
place you'd like to travel:: Maldives Islands
best way to travel:: relaxed
place to live:: Shanandoah Valley
careers you'd like to try:: automotive technician
most boring job:: working at Ukrop's and Office Max
what you'd do on your day off:: chill with my girlfriend
your celebrity name:: Bill Stevens
child's story you want to be a character in:: Aladdin
which character would you be in that story:: Aladdin
name of your dream pet:: Mr. Miagi
what kind of pet would it be:: dog
tattoo looks like (if no tattoo, what it would look like):: black sleeves
favorite jeans look like:: umm blue and long
favorite breakfast:: Waffle House, cheese omlet, hash browns, waffles
favorite musical instrument:: synthesizer
put on shirt or pants first:: shirt
take off shirt of pants first:: shirt
ideal vacation spot:: your mom's house
three things you always have with you when you go out:: phone, wallet, good looks
your life is a ____ movie (genre):: drama
favorite smell:: Esther's hair
mood lately:: happy
perfect feeling:: i'm gonna say when i find the person i love, being with them.........
favorite emotion:: happy
celebrity you'd date:: Jessica Alba
something you want to do but know will probably never happen:: go to the moon
favorite era in history:: 1800's
best thing to build with legos:: a fort.....hello
one thing you swear to do before you die:: go 200 miles an hour
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What Is Your Best Sexual Skill?
Flirting Skill Level - 37%
Kissing Skill Level - 93%
Cudding Skill Level - 72%
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Why They Love You You are too good to be true.
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