This page is dedicated to everyone who has ever been a victim of or witnessed Domestic Violence and/or Child Abuse. There are more resources than I even begin to put on this page. Please feel free to message your experience and let me know if you would like it posted as a blog. You will remain anonymous. This page is to help encourage people who are experiencing this pain right now and have not been able to reach out to anyone. Letting them know that there are others who have been through this and have survived will show them that there is a way out! Please leave comments of encouragement! Becuase whether you have been through something like this or not, there is someone reading this right now who IS going through it and doesn't know who or where to turn to!!! Eating Disorders Help Line 1-800-382-2832 (24 hrs)
Domestic Abuse/Assault 1-800-333-SAFE (24 hrs)
Teen AIDS Line 800-234-TEEN (Mon-Fri)
Teen AIDS Line 800-440-TEEN (weekends)
National AIDS Line 1- 800-342-AIDS
National Teen Gay & Lesbian Hotline 1-800-347-TEEN (Thurs.-Sun., 7 pm-11:45 pm ET)
Family/Children's Mental Health Hot Line 1-800-654-1247
National STD Hotline 800-227-8922 (24 hrs)
Child help USA - Child Abuse Reporting 1-800/4-A-CHILD
Family Violence Help Line 1-800/222-2000 (24 hrs)
National Runaway Hot Line 1-800-HIT-HOME (24 hrs)
Runaway Help Line 1-800-621-4000 (24 hrs)
Covenant House Crisis Support 1-800-999-9999 (24 hrs)
Suicide Help Line 1-800-SUICIDE (1-800-784-2433)
Youth Crisis Line 1-800-448-4663 RAINN
Rape Support Line 1-800-656-HOPE
Pregnancy Support and Advice 1-888-4-OPTIONS
General Crisis Counseling 1-800-785-8111
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