From sensual to sexual, sensible to senseless, from fun to facts, common to unique, weird to absurd
People with two eyes, one mouth, two nostrils, two ears; as long that you are human.
Electronica, some kinds of pop, garage rock, classical
City of Angels, the best. LOTR trilogy, X-Men Trilogy, Harry Potter, Sweet November, Titanic (very tragic), The Count of Monte Cristo, Star Wars, Behind Enemy Lines, Sum of all Fears, Enemy at the Gates, 300, Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings, Bridge to Terabithia, Borat, The Departed, Superman Returns, Happy Feet, Shrek
Heroes, Prisonbreak, Lost, ANTM, The Fifth Wheel, Blind Date, Big Brother, American Idol
Conversations With God, Blink, Da Vince Code, Count of Monte Cristo, The Golden Compass, Cutting Edge in Advertising