Myspace Layouts at / Chinese purple
Myspace Layouts at / Chinese purple
Travel, Dance, Reading, Singing, Theater, Worship...worship...and then some more worship...and pretty much everything and anything adventurous. Skydiving? I'm in for this August-THANK YOU DANNY....Repelling...lets go!
WHO I WOULD LIKE TO MEET IN JUNE? I would really like to meet the owner of Dallas BBQ. Recently some new location suggestions came to my attention from a real estate mogul in the making. Trust me...Trump will have nothing on this guy eventually. However, the main reason I want to meet the owner is to not just discuss new locations---it's to ask why they don't serve desert???!!? This needs changed. Maybe we should start a petition? Campaign? Protest?---something needs done about this. My suggestions include apple pie with Ice cream, banana splits, chocolate shakes and perhaps a nice cherry cobbler. I am hungry! I would also like to meet the person who created my perfume. They need thanked. I love the stuff. I guess I would also like to meet the designer of a good beach tent. Needs to be able to keep you cool and in the shade if it's hot, but also have flaps that would insulate it if it gets chilly---or down right freezing. :-) It would also be nice if it collapsed into a backpack--that way if my house ever were to catch on fire again, I could shove the tent in with the rosebuds and bullet. I would have somewhere to live in the interim--and some good memories as well.
This month, I'm listening to a lot of worship, salsa and R&B. I recently also got turned on to Hebrew Rap---hey.......Don't knock it until you've tried it!!!
This month, I really need to see the Adam Sandler new flick...but the other favs are The Lord of the Rings Trilogy, and I think "Once" is a gorgeous film that made me cry..over and over again....when he gives her the piano...I loose it!
VIVA HOLLYWOOD ROCKS! PLEASE SAY THERE WILL BE A SEASON 2! Lost, Ugly Betty...and then the standard favorites of all time...West Wing, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, The Pretender...
Lately, I have been writing more than reading--however what is going on in my bookshelf besides the bible??? Travel Books for Paris, London, Great Britain, and a lot online about web development, economics, water source mechanics, and basically everything I can read about Burundi--if I am not writing it. UGH!!!! Psalms and am still reading the California Not for Profit book.
Corky. Elle. Sonia.