"WE ALL HAVE NO EXPECTATIONS OR LIMITS, AS THE ONLY PERSON EACH OF US HAS TO LIVE UP TO IS OURSELF" ............................................................
................... I am a Guitarist/singer/songwriter & just about anything else that needs to be played. My Roots are in Taranaki my iwi is Ngaruahine & Te Atiawa, and my hapu is Ngatihaua.I have been living in Wellington for over 10 years now, originally moved here to study music & never looked back really.
Since I took up guitar, there was never a plan B, I could never imagine not calling myself a musician. Although its a daily battle as most struggling artists know, to think to yourself is this the right decision.... Maybe Mum was right & I should have become a Physiotherapist, always food for thought.I have played in many bands over the years, in a wide variety of styles including Soul,punk,reggae,dub,electronica/jazz,funk,rock,folk,metal,p
op damn near anything. I get bored easily & have to find anything to keep my interests up, & feel like I am developing my craft.I am currently playing guitar in Fastershesaid(rock), as well as doing covers gigs in Grand theft audio.In 2007 Faster She Said won the NZ battle of the bands, & will be heading to Singapore to represent NZ at world final in March 08.
In March 08 we will also be releasing a Deluxe E.P featuring studio & live songs. Currently we have released single/video featured on the E.P for track "Dirty Monsters" which is on C4, juice & Alt T.V so please keep an eye out for us & send in your votes. We are currently sponsored by Demon Energy drinks, Manu Tattoo's, Aerial, Durex, GT Radial, Sennheizer, Weta custom drums & Purebread Organics. We are always looking out for more sponsorship so if you are interested please drop us a line.Recently I have also got back into being a solo artist, It's the best way to feel a true expression, nothing better for the soul than opening your mouth & pouring everything out with total honesty & integrity.I am here to grow, so help plant a seed....
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