Fuck Yourself With a Fork profile picture

Fuck Yourself With a Fork

my vagina has a first name: it's G-R-E-E-N...

About Me

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| View Show | Create Your Own***there's a million stars in the sky, so why was i chosen to fall?***i'm a guy. i like sunrises after a long night of partying. i like sunsets while sitting on my roof on a hot summer evening. i love my friends and being with them. i also like alone time, when i can think. i'm a creative person who needs that outlet from time to time. i love architecture, nature, design and color. my favorite place is the nature sanctuary, atop that cliff there, with a bowl, a bottle and a notebook. snow is pretty and calming, but i hate the winter and cold weather. i like cats but hate the one i have. i miss lisa a lot. shopping makes me feel good, but i don't get to do it often. sometimes people use me and leave me broken. sometimes i can just walk away. fire is intriguing. i like boys with personality. a nice car doesn't hurt either. country+rap=CRAP. i give too much of myself. i never want to be a vegetable. crown royal tastes like candy and i love candy. i hate ketchup, but like all other tomato products. chili makes me think of gross things. sometimes i dance naked, and every morning i sing at the top of my lungs before work. i swear when i'm rude to people, i get better tips. wal-mart should be blown off the planet. so should mini-vans. anyone who agrees is awsome. i won a sexiest legs contest in fourth grade on a cruise ship. my favorite store is express. plants are therapudic. september 19th is national talk like a pirate day. i celebrated my 21st birthday two years in a row. i wish i was better at photography and the piano. i have had my heart broken before. my car is falling apart. i'd prefer CVS over Walgreens. i drink good beer. bud lite is NOT good beer. my drunk food of choice is McNuggets. anything lemon flavored is good in my book. children should be kept in cages. it is not acceptable to wear brown and black together. i'm not gay but my weiner is. spring is the best smelling season. cadbury mini-eggs are the greatest. justin timberlake should eat shit. sexy never fucking left, douchebag. Delmonico Tuesday should be a holiday. snakes and spiders really creep me out. look both ways before crossing the street. toot city is one of the most beautiful places on earth. coconut is gross. theme parties always turn out good. i have talked my way out of being arrested. i like to collect bar glasses. dishes are the most mundane chore. always question authority.
You're a Wild Drunk
You can get enough drink. Seriously, you'll just go puke and start pounding them back again! What Kind of Drunk Are You?
Your Porn Star Name Is...
Dickimus Maximus What's Your Porn Star Name?
Your Porn Star Name is: Charlie Cumalot

Get your own Porn Star Name
You Are a Glam Rocker!
You put the "show" in rock show with your larger than life self.
No doubt, you are all about making good music...
But what really gets you going is having an over the top show.
Glitter, costumes, and wild hair are your thing - with some rock thrown in! What Kind of Rocker Are You?I edited my profile at Freeweblayouts.net , check out these Myspace Layouts!

My Interests

Create your own Friend Quiz heremeeting new people. preferably in my area. if you are fake, don't even bother. i can't stand fake people. if you want friends in your area, let's be friends. but don't waste my time telling me you want to make some friends and then just completely blow me off when i think we are on our way. i don't ask for much, just honesty. i'm pretty straight-foreword, you must be as well. and if i do or say something to make you not want to become friends anymore, by all means let me know. i like to learn and grow from mistakes and faults. otherwise, fuck yourself with a fork. i don't have time for your games, nor do i have time for your lies.
Create your own Friend Quiz here

I'd like to meet:

someone with some fucking brains for once.....or anyone who is cool, likes to have fun and can handle a keg stand or funneling some jell-o. professional alcoholics are cool.
You are
What Rejected Crayon Are You?
.. You scored as Just A Trick. Well.. If I was on the prowl I might fuck you, but you'll never be mr. right.. Your just a Trick!

Just A Trick






Your A Fag Hag


You are the Anti-Boyfriend.


Maybe One Day

Boyfriend Application - gay men only
created with QuizFarm.com


Louie Devito, 'Fast Car' by Tracy Chapman, Ani DiFranco, The Cure, Depeche Mode, anything 80's, Ace of Base, Garbage, Counting Crows, DJ Super T, old Madonna, DJ Encore, Frou Frou, 2 DJ's and One, Skinnard, Moby, O.A.R, Rane, Robert Miles, Safri Duo, Fleetwood Mac, Spice Girls, Texas, Tori Amos, Story of the Year, Kelly Osbourne, U2, Modest Mouse, Yellowcard, Wilson Phillips, Finch, VNV Nation, Paul Okenfold, Our Lady Peace, Van Halen, Blindside, Midnight Hour, Three Doors Down, and always open to new music....send me some!!!***you look so fine, i want to break your heart and give you mine***i got a mind full of wicked designs. i got a non-stop hole in my head: imagination. i made a building that has two thousand floors and when they all fall down, i think you know it's you they're falling for***like a bad star, i'm falling faster down to her. she's the only one who knows what it is to burn***


***let's pretend a happy end***are you sleeping or are you dead? god, i sure hope you are dead***and do you feel scared- i do. but i wont stop and falter. and if we throw it all away things can only get better***i never felt alone, til i met you. i'm alright on my own and then i met you. and i would know what to do if i just knew what's coming***
Which My So-Called Life Character Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty


"Lynne~ i met the dearest randles at work, at first he was my slave serving me two meals a day and getting ice when ever i needed it... then i got lost my job and and lil randy took me in and trained me to be a slave to the people. and we together made the people work, we where no longer slaves, making people dancing for there food instead.... but then the circus took over, midgets, and ladies with beards, and albino boys, and we no longer work together.... that damn circus.. and damn that pickle leader!!!!!"


***Words, playing me deja vu, like a radio tune i swear i've heard before. Chill, is it something real, or the magic i'm feeding off your fingers. (can't ever keep from falling apart...at the seams)(can i believe you're taking my heart...to pieces) Lost, in a snow filled sky, we'll make it alright, to come undone. Now we'll try to stay blind, to the hope and fear outside. Hey child, stay wilder than the wind - And blow me in to cry. who do you need, who do you love when you come undone?***
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My Blog

A Letter To Elise...

Hi everyone! i know you have missed me terribly. it has been almost two weeks since my computer crashed, and this is the fourth time i've been able to check in. here's the 411 on my life right now. it...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Fri, 15 Jun 2007 02:35:00 PST

i'm a fucking rockstar!!

Create Your Own PaloozaHead - Visit Lollapalooza.com...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 09:16:00 PST

in case anyone was wondering...

things are going ok now.i feel like me again.and with only a shred of guilt, i feel content. actually, there is no guilt. because this is exactly what should have happened.......
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Sun, 20 May 2007 08:37:00 PST

days come and go....

In the brightest hour of my darkest dayI realized what is wrong with meCan't get over you. can't get through to youIt's been a helter-skelter romance from the startTake these memories that are hauntin...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Wed, 25 Apr 2007 09:32:00 PST

once upon a time...

i used to be someone else. there was a time in my life when i cared. when i cared about people. there was a time when i smiled, laughed and had fun. a time when i felt confident, strong and ready. the...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 03:02:00 PST

is it all over yet??

sigh. is it that i ask to much? are my standards rediculously high? or should i just accept what i get from people and trudge through life?Last nite, he came home around two a.m., drunk, and climbed i...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Sat, 07 Apr 2007 10:20:00 PST

fuck you all

does ebay have  new lives for sale, cuz i'd like to purchase one now. thanks.
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Wed, 04 Apr 2007 09:21:00 PST

i thought you should know...

i'm writing again, these letters to you, aren't much i know. but i'm not sleeping and you're not here. the thought stops my heart. do you notice i'm gone? where did you run to so far away?  ...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Sun, 01 Apr 2007 05:10:00 PST

Contemplations of a Drunk

why is it that amazing opportunities arise at the worst times? or, why is it, just when things seem to be right, someone will re-enter your life and make things spin out of control again? i thought i ...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Sat, 31 Mar 2007 09:43:00 PST

The Little Den That Could

originally posted January 16, 2007a sunday evening story for you to enjoy, by Scandalous Randalous.it is a story about The Little Den That Could.Before the room ever had aspirations of being a fabulou...
Posted by Fuck Yourself With a Fork on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 07:59:00 PST