Minister Sawyers is a native of Washington, DC. He was educated in the DC Metropolitan area's public school systems, and attended the University of the District of Columbia. If he were to boast of anything other than the saving power of Christ, he would boast of his marriage to Kimberly Ann, his sons Carrington Ronald Allen and Marcel McLean, and his daughter Gabrielle Elizabeth.
Minister Sawyers serves in ministry under the covering of Bishop Alfred A. Owens, Jr. and Co-Pastor Susie C. Owens at the Greater Mt. Calvary Holy Church, Washington, DC. He serves on the church’s Board of Evangelists and as a worship leader for the congregation. He is also a leader in the men’s ministry and serves as a leader on other community boards.
He has ministered and recorded with the Richard Smallwood Singers, Tramaine Hawkins, and other notable gospel artists. His teaching ministry has maintained a focus on matters of praise, worship, and Christian character. His delivery of the gospel points the lost to Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
In December 1995, he and his wife were consecrated and released to minister as the Founding Directors of OVERCOMERS MINISTRIES–a ministry with a focus on spiritual deliverance, in particular, from sexual brokenness. The ministry has served the needs of countless men and women across the nation, providing Christian counseling to those who have been held captive within the clutches of sexual perversion. The ministry is advancing its newest phase--CHAINBREAKERS--group meetings for those pursuing or maintaining deliverance from homosexuality.
In May 1998, Minister Sawyers was consecrated and licensed for ministry under the auspices of the Mt. Calvary Holy Churches of America, Inc. He has committed the use of his ministry gifts to the benefit of the Body of Christ. His preaching, teaching, writing and singing are all for the advancement of the Lord’s Kingdom.
Minister Sawyers' first extensive written work, NEVERTHELESS, Not My Will, was published by Brentwood Christian Press of Columbus, Georgia in December 2000. This God-inspired writing serves as A Guide Through Deliverance from Homosexuality. Readers have testified of the H.E.L.P. (Healing / Encouragement / Love and Power) they have received through his candor and exposé on the Lord's will for sexual wholeness.
Of the Father’s grace in his life, Minister Sawyers quotes the refrain,
"Were the whole realms of nature mine
It would be a present far too small
Love, so amazing, so divine
Demands my life, my all"