To call for spectators who are active interpreters, who render their own translation.
To find a path along which it would be possible to keep culture moving in the midst of ideological confusion and violence.
To call for spectators who are active interpreters, who render their own translation.
To find a path along which it would be possible to keep culture moving in the midst of ideological confusion and violence.
Opening: Autumn 2007
BagLondon is an exhibition space that welcomes and supports emerging artists and politically involved young critics. We focus on installation works, new media, performance, and ephemera.
Each weekend BagLondon will host special night venues: live concerts, performances, and dj sets by European aspiring musicians.
LaundryBag is a top-end clothing store delivering the most ambitious designs available in second-hand wear trade. SleepingBagLondonSleepingBag is an artist residency taking place at BagLondon each summer. An artist chosen by the gallery's team of curators will be allowed to stay for the lenght of three weeks on premises of the gallery, living amidst the works, venues and roaming visitors. BagLondon will supply cigarettes and coffee for the length of stay. Each SleepingBagLondon will end with an exhibition of the residing artist.