Venus is a singer-songwriter / multi-instrumentalist / composer / producer and audio engineer. She is a very rare female musician /artist who was trained in every aspect of music. She was classically trained on the piano at the early age of 3 by her mother. She quickly branched out from just piano, and played every instrument in every genre in her teenage days. Despite of all musical trainings, her goal is to break all the musical rules and create an ultimate futuristic sound you've never heard of. It's not about just sound designing, it's also about being truthful about her original emotions she was inspired to produce a song about. Also, another ultimate goal is to create healing music. She is hoping you will feel energized and stronger as you go through the musical journey with her.
Venus has performed and worked for many artists from the major labels and other various venues. In 1994, Venus acted on a satellite TV show "Irasshai" on GPTV. In 1998, Venus performed live on "Saturday Night Show" on Comcast TV in Atlanta, Georgia. In 2003, Venus appeared on a gospel superstar Vickie Winans's music video "Shook" as a pianist in its featured band. In 2004, Venus collaborated her song with a keyboard player from the Original P-Funk. Venus is currently focusing on her new projects...
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