Inspired by shameless mercenary agendas, we move to a similar tune... to show the funky side of transparent propaganda in Singapore. Please note that we have none to do with an ultra bling-bling celeb-hairstylist. Our strategy stresses the right linguistic accents from a rich variety of MTV American-English, yesterday's Queen English and even maligned Singlish to clarify that Gunn in our name rhymes with fun, not fan, tan or gan. Hope that's confusing enuff to make u feel being jerked around. We really mean to jerk u off! U conservative, or sumthin'?
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I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
JUSTICE is flashed here! (See, we're armed with self-serving cliches to look good. Not that intelligent ones dunno a cliche! Btw, the crucifix is a people's cross not the strict domain of self-righteous fundamentalists/rightists. Even God knows that!)
The good Lord says: "This man is groovin' to Singapore big time!"
Man says: "If I'm back today, I'll do it the Singapore way!"
We mask up cuz we'd rather not be associated with Singapore's brand of 'transparency'. An accountability based on having a great need to prove that the system is sooo fair. We believe that actions speak louder than words & mere justifications.