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Orange County Caregivers is a medical marijuana primary caregiver to the Orange Coast Patient Association operating in compliance with H&S Code 11362.5 & Senate Bill 420. We offer discrete and convenient delivery services to varified medicinal marijuana patients. Our mission is to establish a collective of patients and be able to offer them the means to medicate in the way they believe is correct. We are medicinal marijuana activists that want to see medicinal marijuana distributed in the correct way under the correct system. We want to join the number of collective/co-operatives that are setting the standards for the regulation of medicinal marijuana.Call Us At 1-877-OCC-HERB or visit http://www.occaregivers.comVISIT WWW.AJNAG.COM TO FIND THE CLOSEST DOCTOR TO YOU TO BECOME A PATIENT!!!THEN VISIT OUR WEBSITE AND FIND OUT HOW YOU CAN PRE-VERIFY AND START RECEIVING YOUR MEDICINE TODAY, DELIVERED RIGHT TO THE COMFORT AND DISCRETENESS OF YOUR OWN HOME!!!Medicinal Marijuana Delivered, Medicine Delivery, DELIVERY DELIVERY DELIVERYWE ASSIST PEOPLE WHO ARE AFFECTED WITH ANY TYPE OF ILLNESS OR SYMPTOM SUCH AS: MS, CHEMOTHERAPY, BI-POLAR DISORDER, DEPRESSION, ANXIETY, POST TRAUMATIC STRESS, BACK PAIN, ARTHRITIS, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER SYMPTOMS!We carry a variety of high quality, potent, California grown medicine. Every type of medicine we offer is California grown because the Californian economy should be the main beneficiary to the legal regulation of medicinal marijuana. MUST BE 18+ AND OVER AND BE A REGISTERED PATIENT IN THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.