FIRST AND FOREMOST YOU MUST BE HONEST!!! SAVE ME THE AGRIVATION IF YOU'RE A SNAKE!!!!! THANX All In All,Someone who shares alot of the same interests as I do but not exactly.Someone goodlooking,(not important)! You have to have a sense of humor and be able to hold an intelligent conversation with me for more than five min.(very important)! Just someone I can spend alot of time with and enjoy being around just hanging out talking. Most Importantly You MUST be a gentleman,not just worried about sex as are most people when they see me!!!!! :)
Someone that doesn't lie!!!!! If I ever in my life meet that person I'll marry them! MAYBE!Oh and also in reference to that intellegent conversation thing It's not a difficult request you know you just have to have a brain stem.Most people don't these days though,unfortunately!I know,I know they're few and far between.I preety much want someone just to hang with me and have alot of laughs!